J4 buff is niiiice.
Can I get this 1920 x 1080 HQ somewhere?
I’m grabbing that Sona skin ASAP.
what is it about the ADC’s you’ve played so far?
The fact you essentially right click to kill? I’m not a huge fan of auto - attack characters, I like playing AP carries, or playing top - lane because it’s a bit more challenging, you don’t just last - hit trying to keep up on CS for 20 minutes.
I have the same issue, AP is my best and favorite role, and when I’m forced into ADC I get pretty bored. That said, Varus/Ezreal are the most fun to me
Ez is probably the most dynamic adc due to his kit. You don’t focus on auto attacking as much as using auto attacks and his skills in tandem to keep his passive up.
I play Kayle when I need to ADC, she’s my best character, I’ve been playing her since I first got the game which was shortly after it was released (had a huge break though). I’m really good with Kayle and I love the character, I think she makes a great ADC but my team quite often doesn’t agree
Mid is what I’m best at but I’m decent at support and fairly good at top. If I could I’d play mid every game though.
I will say one thing about my support though, while I’m only average with a lot of the ones I know how to play like Soraka, Nunu and Leona, I’m phenomenal with Janna when I’m playing well. Again though, she was one of my first characters, her, Kayle and Akali.
You don’t like the passivity that the healing supports introduce in to the lane I get that. I don’t like it either. But racking up CS is important in all the lanes, and even the jungle. And, against an organized team, positioning for a right click can be just as challenging as any other role.
All that aside, you may like Kog’maw, Corki, Ezreal, or Draven. These ADCs interweave abilities between their AA’s a lot more than the other ADCs.
I don’t mind racking up CS, in mid it’s a spell duel though and up top it’s a bit more close and personal and you have that constant threat of being ganked and need to stay in your lane or they’ll push your turret down, you can’t just go back while your support holds your lane for you.
I’ve played Kog before as an AP mid, I know he can be used as AD, I guess I could give that a shot. I’ve played AD TF as well, that wasn’t as terrible as people make it out, I mean he has AD ratios and all those stuns / gank potential on a carry is pretty decent.
Vayne, MF, Caitlyn… they are the exact sort of AD carries I don’t want to play.
Maybe Urgot?
I like playing aggressive supports like Yorick, you get to melt bot lane if they have anything but Soraka, and you still have a useful ult lategame that doesn’t rely on you having many items to be worthwhile
My problem in general playing top lane or bot lane is that I just love the amount of roaming allowed when you’re playing mid or jungle, since those two roles have the closest proximity to the furthermost lanes if they need help
Urgot is a lot of fun to play bot, but he’s more of an anti-carry than a carry. He can shut down the enemy carry really hard. He’s probably my favorite pick as bot ADC regardless.
So, the thing about bot lane is that that is generally the most likely lane for kills to occur in without jungler support, especially with all the hard engages run a lot in bot lanes nowadays. If you look at a lot of the popular mids, they are super farmy laners, and they focus on supporting jungle ganks and ganking other lanes. Top lanes are often more aggressive, but there is simply more damage in sitting in bot lane than other lanes, because there are two heroes on each side (assuming no lane swaps). It’s also pretty rare for supports to really be able to hold towers if you back poorly. More often the other team consciously decides not to take your turret to focus on denying you more.
If you don’t like autoattackers, that’s a perfectly reasonable preference to have, but don’t make the mistake of assuming bot lane is usually or should be super passive. Also, ironically, you list MF as an ADC you don’t like, but she has one of the most aggressive laning phases of any carry, because she’s so strong early and not as great late. Also, you say you don’t like autoattackers but Kayle’s kit is mostly based around autoattack damage <_<.
Kayle is an auto - attacker, but I have a lot of loyalty to her, and her kit is second nature to me, things like use of her Q to kite, casting her W not just on myself but my team - mates and using my ult the same are all integral. Kayle has ratios that allow for a variety of different builds, I usually play ADC with her on Summoners as I can dominate top if we don’t need a tankier top lane using an offensive Kayle up there and I can get farm and win my lane down bot. On Dominion and TT however I prefer On - Hit, it drops off in the end - game compared to crit, but it’s incredibly explosive in the early - mid, which is as far as you get in those game modes.
I know there is skill to playing carries, I just don’t like playing them. I’ve had a ton of experience in bot playing support and I do enjoy support because I feel like it’s a role I’m naturally well suited to (I play defensively in most games, healed in WoW etc.) I’m also very good with Janna. Playing carry in bot - lane feels so dull to me though.
My favourite mid is Anivia but I’m very good with Morgana, Akali, Diana and a few rather unorthodox mid picks.
Good luck SRK, haven’t and don’t really play serious enough and job promotion means almost no game time.
When you make it big in S3 - please, PLEASE act just like you guys do on the forums. :tup:
He’s not the only one in here that’s a big support player.
Nigga put orianna’s ball on stealthed rengar, rengar walks up to unsuspecting people, ori ult x wtfboom
Yeah I usually play Support, no one messes with my Taric, I bully the crap out of people. Need some IP for a new champ, whoever feels right when I am done. Diana was pretty fun when I tried her but she is getting nerfed anyways.
Is Yorick the pool guy? Also Sona’s tits got nerfed in that new skin.