Go to PAX, bring us back Arcade Sonas and PAX insertskinshere. We give you likes, upvotes, e-peen points, etc.
IE absolutely does more damage endgame, because it scales off attack speed and other AD, where TF does not. Trinty, however, gives you largest boost in power at the moment you buy it. Having TF and Zerker Greaves is stronger than having IE and Zerker Greaves, on basically any champion that can reasonably use the damage procs every 2-3 seconds. It also stacks well on champions that already have strong chase/engage, like Corki and Ezreal. Basically you want low cooldowns and at least some AP scaling to make TF worth it, so you really only see it on Corki and Ez. Occasionally people buy it on other ADs, but it isn’t efficient on most of them.
It is becoming more and more common on both to get a phage early, then either finish TF or build IE/BT then TF, since Phage is super strong on both heroes. Basically, you can walk back and forth trying to get a phage proc on the enemy, and once you do, you can generally kill them or burn summoners without too much difficulty.
Anyone sent out those friend requests yet? I haven’t gotten any, if I’m not good enough to be on the team that’s fine just say so.
Does anyone wanna teach me the game? Really interested in learning it… On this account I’m level one. I started playing it on another account but I only got to level 10. I’m about to buy my first character. Does anyone have any suggestions or means about how I should approach the game?
I am up to teach a little bit. I would say your best bet is to focus on farming and playing conservatively and solid in lane, I also think it’s much better to start out playing a solo lane. My IGN on NA is TheInconspicuous
The AD’s that build TF are the ones that utilize all of the stats well and make the proc look ridiculous, Corki and Ez spam their Low CD AD ratio spells almost every attack anyway, so the proc is great on them. Sheen + Phage also boost their laning potential more so than a BF sword imo because the extra mana on casting based AD’s is ridiculous and Health is very very strong in bot lane. These champs can always build IE/BT though if the situation is right.
Man, you guys really hostile to our Latin friends over in South America huh lol. Nah, I live in South Florida so my ping is ridiculously good ( I get 8 ping at my university lol). Also, it’s fun to smurf and I am trying to get rank 1 Solo Queue on BR while I still can since it’s like low 2K right now I think. I stomp really really hard over there, but when I solo queue my queue time is approx 30 minutes : /, so I absolutely need duos lol. If you are East Coast I think it’s legitimately better than dealing with EUW old metagame lol.
Browsing people’s match histories, I don’t think you have to worry about being good enough. But some people might need to get ready for a skill gap shock when they queue up with some of the more experienced players.
Edit- Holy shit, there’s really no way to stop this from auto-embedding. Go to 6:49.
I’ll try out for the team.
Mecha-Shiva - CaptainStrawhat - Jungle(prefer)/Mid/Top
I can play on the team if you want another IGN: BabyGrenades
Why im I being ignored? =(…
JanoDX - TigerYamatoGX - Top/Mid/ADC
Similar reason to Irelia as well, her Ult gets cast 4 times and she has AD and AP ratios on it, even though her Q is purely AD and her E has insignificant benefits from AP.
Tri - force is worth it on a lot of characters if you can get enough procs out of it, even characters like Riven and Urgot (who have no AP ratios, Riven doesn’t even use Mana) can get use out of a tri - force. I’ve seen a number of Urgot builds buying Sheen after Manamune + a Vamp scepter before getting a Bloodthister and that shit is scary.
I love the touch up on Diana’s skin too
I really like that skin, I bought it on release, I prefer the black particle effects and the splash looks like a night elf from WoW, which I dig.
If we got a skype/vent/mumble deal goin on just yell at me to do stuff lol, although usually my map awareness is pretty good. I’m just not good enough to carry shitty teams yet.
Add me up if you want to start getting some matches in and see if I can handle it or not.
I’m always happy to teach, I’ve only hit about 1400 in LoL because Solo / Duo queue is just fucked for match making, so many retards, I’m an ex - Gladiator on WoW though and I’ve played competitive Age of Empires in the RTS field, so I have decent credentials.
Meh, it’s like starting out in fighting games. You’ll play up to the level that you’re in. When I brought my friends on board, I just had them start playing with me from the get go at level 1. It was a couple of weeks of telling them not to go in to the bush, then they do, then they die. Then a couple more weeks of “Stay away from that bush”. Then a couple more weeks of “Abandon the tower, it’s lost” but they don’t, etc. Eventual it got to the point where we’d start winning, and on the post stats screen the opposing team would facepalm that they just lost to a bunch of level 10’s and 20’s. Queueing with better players is a much quicker way to get good at the game. You learn much faster when you’re forced to learn. When I was starting by myself, I went through 1 to 30 still facing checking bushes and never having brought a ward.
One of my friends is still below 100 wins. It can be amusing when the opposing team bothers to check.
That’s outrageous, truly truly outrageous. Updating new roster, sales, and news in a bit.
The Pool Party Ziggs splash art is so awesome.
wait, syndra comes out this week? ive been under a rock playing gw2, im so out of touch with the world right now.
One of these days I need to find an ADC I actually like…