That would be awesome if someone brought a bunch back for the frequent thread goers if anyone goes!
So it’s finally happening? I’ll throw my name in there.
QQ China
(In order of most experienced to least)
ADC | Support > Jungle | Mid > Top
Currently a lot of my LoL time goes to teaching my high school friends to not suck ass. Slow, but steady progress. Mondays and Fridays are currently our practice nights. But the other days, I sometimes want to LoL but I have no mates to roflmao with.
Not sure how much I’ll be around between P4 and GW2, but I’m down to take up a slot.
Kona Kona
I’m down for anything but jungle. ADC and Top are my most played.
Some PAX skin I really wanted, forgot which…Riot skins work as well. Dat Graves.
I’d do anything for a PAX Sivir skin. It’ll probably be one of the coolest skins in the game once she gets a model rework.
I’ll take shitty NA players over shitty BR players any day. Fuck the better ping, if I already have major headaches on NA I can’t even imagine how it’ll be with newbie BR players - and no fucking way I’m transfering my account. RP is actually more expensive there.
It doesn’t matter how shitty a player is if you can communicate with them. I would rather have an absolute nooblord than a competent player with a language barrier. It goes moreso for Dota than League because I’m actually able to speak and get somebody’s attention there, but that’s how I feel about teammates on both games.
Provided, at least, the english speaker isn’t a complete rambling moron who does not feel the need to put in any effort to listening to you. Then I’ll take the fucking Russian in a heartbeat.
I meant shitty not as in skill, but as teammate. The problem ain’t the language, but the attitude. Brazilians in online games are overall childish and individualistic. You think it’s hard convincing shitty NA players why Darius is not OP and picking him first pick will just get you kited or that it’s not the jungler’s fault that he’s getting ganked top because he doesn’t buy wards, then try doing that with people that will most likely complain about kill steals.
qoqonuts - qoqonuts - Support > AP | AD | Jungle > Top
Rabbit2k7 / Rabbit2G / jungle or bottom support
I’m really enjoying Corki AD carry. When is the best time to get trinity force? People just say “It’s good for dueling” but:
- Bot lane is 2v2, not really dueling
- It’s expensive, so are there really that many occasions where trinity force will trump infinity edge?
- Won’t trinity force delay my late game potential? The movement speed is nice, but the proc slow and attack speed make me think it’s iffy. Does the sheen/trinity force extra damage work off of corki’s passive?
I recall RoG doing the math and concluding that in the end, IE did more damage than Trinity.
Most high level Corki players I see get Trinity after double Dorans, can’t analize the reason though.
Corki’s go trinity because it helps his ult, trinity is NOT ideal for simply on-hit champs
<— Forum name
LOL name - FeRNy MAC
It helps his ult by…?
his ult has ap ratio AND ad. and besides, since you cast it so often, you’ll be getting more sheen procs than you would on other ad carries, aside from maybe ezreal, who also spams q a lot
Corki’s ult scales off AD and AP
But I think Corki’s get it cause Corki has awesome chase, putting him in range for the slow proc, and he shreds armor, making the sheen proc deal more damage. If you last hit well, you can get a TF just a little bit latter than the opposing ADC gets their IE. Is Corki with TF scarier then Graves with just and IE?
damn, i havent played corki in a minute. hes still my top 2 fav carries too.
This. Every F2P game needs to launch with a plan already in place to deal with the influx of Brazilian players ruining everyone’s fun. If a completely separate server isn’t an option at launch, then some other way of segregating them from the rest of the population. I don’t know what it is that causes them to be like that, I honestly don’t. But there’s a LOT more to it than just having worse ping.
I fucking hate dumbasses who talk about counters and shit so they pick that champ to counter another. Shit only works if you actually know how to motherfuckin play the damn champ… otherwise you end up feeding like a bitch.
Hey man, just, like, LoL, man. LoL.