The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

MRN vs oRb right now, just started

The irony, I didn’t even know MRN was playing today lol.

I’m starting to see some people practice Varus a lot in scrims/tournaments, notably Nien, GoDJJ, and ROBERTxLEE

GoDJJ Was scrimming all day vs SGS yesterday and streamed it, he used Varus exclusively in every single match
He did an interesting build on him too, went Brutalizer every time and sometimes got a Warmogs, instead of GA or QSS

Teleport makes for such big fucking playsss!!!

Thinking about picking up Shen. I have enough RP for one champ, but I dunno who to get.

Shen is worth buying, especially for normal games. Don’t expect to get to play him in ranked matches though, like, ever

Yeah I’ve noticed him banned in every damn draft.

I’ve been playing Varus as my bot lane champ, when in the build did he get brutalizer? And why Warmogs on such a low health character?

First item iirc. Varus’s skills are really good, especially his ult, so the cdr + armor pen is really good on him
As for Warmogs, I couldn’t really understand what he was saying since he’s a Taiwanese streamer, but after big team fights where he almost died, he would just type in chat “Warmogs save me!”

He does Brutalizer on Ezreal too, in ranked and scrims

So he would skip dorans and get brutalizer instead? What did he do about mana issues from using that many skills with the cdr?

Lane with Soraka. :lol:

I’ve dominated my past 4 ranked games, whoot.

8/0/5 Orianna
8/0/7 Graves
3/2/17 Alistar
13/2/12 Graves


I’ve seen countless games from GoDJJ where he just stays in lane forever, even with Kog, until he has enough money for a straight up beefy item. He usually gets Dorans when he’s losing or had to go early cause of a big jungler gank. As for skills, he usually uses them in the early laning phase only when he’s going for a kill or farming a huge cs wave near his own turret

^Even without Soraka. He really likes nunu and taric support

I love me some Taric and Nunu support. Soraka lanes are so boring :frowning:

50~ ELO in 4 games gained, sweet. Really don’t wanna lose anytime soon, gimmy a ten game ranked spree and I’ll be one happy fucker.


man comcast can be a bitch. i had problems with them around june, my internet kept going in and out. so many fucking storms in the south.

I think I wanna stream 8 hours a day from 8am-4pm during Season 3.

Same problem, called 4 times today after they ignored my appointment gg. Finally just dug up the fucking box and drained it in my backyard lol

Anyone on at the moment? Getting over these random queues, I’ll run anything ranked or normal as top / mid / support. I don’t like carry and frankly, I’m just hopeless at jungling.

2 more wins and I’ll have a 100 ELO gain today. LESSGO!

I need some shit explained to me. Before I burn down Riot in a fit of rage. I hate this fucking game.

Somebody explain to me how defense and resistance works. Does it equal out directly or is it a percentage? Like 50 armor = 50 damage absorbed or 50 armor = % of damage reduced.

I don’t understand how two champs can come up to each other with similar armor/resistances and similar ad/ap and one of them will do noooooo damage to the other, while the other shits all over them. I was just in a round and I was mid against Fiddle. I was Fizz. We had literally the same magic resist, and I couldn’t hurt him. However he could blow me up and there was nothing I could do about it.

Same situation with Nasus vs Darius top. Same def, and I even had more ad than he did. However, my Q wasn’t doing shit and neither was my auto attack. He was fucking me up left and right and killed me twice in under 5 minutes. Do not understand it.

Disclaimer: I am mad as hell after 4 straight land slide loses. So take this post for what it is. Complete ass.