The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

i dont know, i dont think there is a elo hell. i think there are bad players throughout all elo. but at lower elo what tends to happen is


So fucking crazy dude, can’t stand this shit LOL

Well, after playing Zyra a few times, I must say she HAS to get nerfed again. She is basically a lvl 6 annie with stun ready all the time once she hits lvl 3. Combination of Morg+Cass. Press buttons, collect first blood.

Then you get games where the feeding jungle Riven is telling you when you push lanes when bot is infested with red dots and all 5 are up… 13/2/12 Carry monster, fuck with my Graves, too bad I can’t play him every game :frowning:

You just said there’s no ELO Hell, then described ELO hell perfectly.

I quit the game when mine got to 1152 and I don’t plan to go back to solo ranked ever again. I wasn’t in hell yet, but I honestly don’t even wanna fuck with them anymore, it’s not like the quality of play changes at all between ranked and unranked.

You weren’t even close dude…

thats my point though, what i described is completely controllable, if you know something isnt right, speak up, help form a good team. if they dont listen then report and/or dodge. thats why i dont think elo hell exist, cause its all the same until you get to gold rank IMO, average quality of player that is. its just all about team work, and having someone on the team who can take charge. if you just watch dumb shit happen and sit there and do nothing about it, then u belong where u are at. there are actually some pretty decent players at the lower elos, its just that alot of them dont have good team work or dont lead the way when they can.

You really think these people listen to reason huh? Must be nice up there at the higher ELOs.

Yeah exactly.

I just told our Taric to stop pushing mid by himself 4 times.

He died all four times.

I went 8/0/7 on Graves though and won so whatever, fucking scrubs -_-

Back up to 909, is this the climb? :open_mouth:

I doubt it -_-

elo hell exists. ive been to places i dont belong. fuck solo q in a team game. esp for rating. makes no sense. base me off of my gameplay pls.

only “known” guy ive gone against is fya umashi in an all random game. that dude got raped. forgot who i was but him and his team got bodied.

M5 and Blaze are clearly the best LoL teams in the world. TSM is fray.

Add my name to the list, too, please: CarbunkleFlux, one word.

I play LoL a lot and playing with SRKers is far preferable to solo queueing. I am so sick of solo queue at the moment.
I can do any role except jungle, which I am very inexperienced with. My preferred role is mid, though. Just as a forewarning though, I am not amazing by any stretch and really need to work on my positioning, but that can only happen with practice obviously.

For a team called Solo Mid, they sure need to help Regi’s lane a lot

Reginald was one of the best MID in at least NA. I think what happened was that the other MID players step their game up and Regi didn’t match that and improved as much as he could.

Same with Bigfatjiji in CLG.NA who use to be the most feared in CLG.NA. Back in the day, if you faced Bigfatjiji, you literally s*** your pants.

Diana is cool as hell. Might pick her up.

Also, there needs to be more male mages.

I tried to tell Marn this man. Half the time TSM wins games I feel like I could have just gone Karthus mid there. I’d have a hundred less farm in 20 minutes sure, but all I have to do is press R and wait for Oddone to burn my lanes summoners every 2 minutes while my bot lane carries and Xpecial makes the team calls. W.e though, Regi hard carries some games, and that’s all you really need to do as AP on such a solid team. He motivates Dyrus too, which I definitely could not do since it involves living with Dyrus.

Team MRN is like the best we got as a team. Better than nothing lol.

I really am going to start a Clockwork team.

Nah, when ClakeyD got signed by Epic for like a month I was hype, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Team MRN’s actually doing really well surprisingly, beating Legion. They just have to get more solid. If Marn or their top lane (MegaZero?) can start hard carrying and forcing some bans they’ll be in there. Too bad Nick Wu decided to help the homeless and join Chuuper & Co. Team MRN needed him lol!

What we really need is Scarra to stop flirting with FGC and leave eSports lol. Scarra in mid and Marn team mascot = GG.