The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

I have yet to lose top to anything other than the jungle or mid(and in a few game bot even came up to gank me a few times!) as jayce. Just harass all day in gun form and then use your mini tristana ult if anyone decides to jump on you and win every trade! Pretty sure I just kited the darius’s I’ve seen around.

I personally haven’t seen Jayce in a while, feels like people forgot about him or something

Also, oh god horror, Garen players again

IGN: BabyGrenades

RazeriPapaRhino Lee Sin 5/2/6

Zskyler Jayce 7/5/3

PolyporeRS Garen 1/5/6

:frowning: That last game was weak.

Yeah I’ve seen like one other jayce ever(outside of aram), I crushed him to death with a hammer though!

ARAM Jayce is fucking nasty, that cannon shot through accelerator just destroys grouped people early game

yes, yes it does. He kept sniping people who were at low health too.

Kiting him does the trick, so does outbursting him. Champs like Kayle and Teemo do great against him.

Teemo is a good counter-top for a lot of champs, yet I never see him used. So I don’t know which side is wrong in this topic.

1275 people inquire that overall teemo dominates his ass.

Teemo is only good at laning, that’s why. His teamfighting presence is low even if he’s an item or two ahead, and he doesn’t have CC or burst, so he can’t gank and assassinate. He lanes well and can split push with mushroom coverage. The problem is that even a fed Teemo just isn’t scary enough. He got a nice buff this patch (although it only sort of matters because AP Teemo is even worse than real Teemo builds) but Teemo’s kit is fundamentally flawed. He was good when Wriggle’s was insanely broken and he could take advantage of that, but even then he was purely a split push gimmick.

Overall, not just Darius. Kona gave a better example.

I mostly use AD with a heavy emphasis on attack speed when I use Teemo, to stack damage/poison as quickly as I can on squishies and try to remain relevant.

lol. is it wrong that i dont like tanky dps or melee in general? we all have our preferences. that new female champ, im not looking forward to her because she is female, its because she is AP and her skillset sounds fucking bonkers, like shit you wouldnt even expect to be in this game. how can u not get hyped for that shit?

what about tanky dps teemo? ive done it in the past, he can be quite the pain to deal with. frozen mallet, etc. run tanky runes and masteries.

I like Swain and Malph against him.

It’s a joke.

As a manly man I’m not very fond of female champs who are fragile spellcasters. I seem to be in the minority on this. I compare all female champs to the quality of badass that is MF usually.

Godlike artwork.

Man I hope you didn’t take that from some Ashe X Alistar fanfic.

Oh man.

The pain.

The pleasure.


real men play tanky dps

Real men play Tactician’s with a crow fetish