Don’t even need that. If he ever uses his Q it’s free combos for riven. She doesn’t give 1 fuck about his W. She can still level Q against Darius. But shield allows you to go more toe-2-toe so to speak. Fun match up.
I feel Kennen and Vlad have fun vs Darius. If Jarvin didn’t have mana issues he’d stomp the fuck out of Darius.
I got shit on pretty hard by a Rumble first time I tried to play the new Kat.
Managed to not give him 10 kills before midgame though and Kat was still performing really solid in team fights. Shyvana was scooping all the kills like a boss and it was an easy win despite huge Rumble.
Dunno why you guys are all worried. Every new champ is OP on release, make that $$$, then toned down from that point onward following the next patch.
I will enjoy the one week of super OP lion murder though. His movement speed and kit seems to damn slow to jangle, the delay was probably due to phreak not finding an easy way to make a video about him.
Syndra can grab a neutral monster like the Red Lizard and throw them around - and throwing the Red Lizard will apply the red buff effect on whoever gets hit.
Dumb as hell and won’t work because vs him you’ll just buy armor 5 pots. He has ALL ad runes so if he uses and ability you just kick his ass for free until its off CD. He has an ALL ad rune page. Ganks will destroy him no problem with that build. not to mention it’s exactly like Udyr, except Udyr’s damage is more split and Udyr doesn’t have to build stacks to get off his Q. Riven will have fun with that with her E. Jax will be jax. Malphite will skrill this guy, Kayle will out harass etc. He’s not very good from a mechanics point until later in the laning phase. You just play not to die and you’re safe.
I don’t really play top much but, if I were laning and I forced someone to buy cloth armor instead of boots from the start, I’ll already take that as a small victory