August 15, 2012, 11:53pm
You people will regret turning your backs on RENGAR, for he can leap pretty far to burst your AP female fap loving asses down for a kill.
I’m sure if anyone had an answer they would have given it to you by now. Outside of those sites I don’t really know any, other than to simply follow and watch Pro teams play. Then again the pro-gaming aspect is the least of my concern here.
Check out Scarra’s stream on Twitch at least, he will teach you anything.
August 15, 2012, 11:54pm
All I gotta do is pet that niggas tummy
While I put motherfucking black holes on his ass, science and shit
August 15, 2012, 11:56pm
But Rengar is a giant kitty, bitches love kitties. Her female guards will go down and let Rengar in for cuddle time, only to have her neck broken a few instances later.
Do people not use mobafire.com ?
August 16, 2012, 12:11am
They had a giant poster of Rengar on the Gamescom today, a 6x2,5m huge bear right in front of you is a impressive view
August 16, 2012, 12:15am
Should have stole it for me.
August 16, 2012, 12:17am
They kept looking at me as i tried to climb the framework
August 16, 2012, 12:46am
Bad site, the guides there are terrible
>mfw jungle kat
Iunno why mobafire and leaguecraft are on the OP to be honest, they’re both shit >_>
mobafire was just the first one ever recommended to me. I picked League back up a couple of days ago and wanted to rip my own face off.
I hate playing tank because nobody can DPS.
I hate playing DPS because nobody can tank.
mobafire was just the first one ever recommended to me. I picked League back up a couple of days ago and wanted to rip my own face off.
I hate playing tank because nobody can DPS.
I hate playing DPS because nobody can tank.
solution is jungle and just carry retards to victory.
I can’t get the hang of the jungle since the first major change they made to it. I have no idea what is going on. My Nocturne became booty.
Maybe I should research some shit on other sites.
Damn, having issues getting on since the patch,
Something about VOBank_en_US.fsb
I’ve tried everything, including a re-install and it keeps pausing at 99% saying applying patches.
Any suggestions ?
Noc’s gotten constant nerfs since release but even right now he’s still a top tier jungler.
9/1/8 Lee Sin - W
5/5/18 Lee Sin - W
1/2/8 Mundo - W
22/5/23 Lee Sin - W
2/1/7 Nocturne - W
1/3/8 Jarvan - W
sigh of relief
Some days I’d prefer to solo queue than listen to people yapping over top of each other in a premade. Don’t get offended if I ignore all of you today.
August 16, 2012, 2:34am
while triple bruiser is good it can be easily countered by all armor and the sort, if theyre not one of the millions of braindead players out there. the meta varies from what ive seen. ive played 3v3 as a team and a jungler is used. standard top char and usually an ap who can safely farm bot vs 2 if needed. solo q is 99.9% no jungler with a 1v1 lane and a 2v2 lane.
also on the 3v3 note, im hating this elo reset for 3v3. shit is pretty bad. i really wish they would carry over wins from before the reset. these tt dunce caps are getting old.
Ya I just had a game with the most retarded lee sin in the world. Still won cause I does the morgana but, this dude level 1 Q/Q’d someone in their turret and didn’t even get the kill
August 16, 2012, 2:43am
:sad: I thought what we had was special my rapping honky.
Any tips vs. Darius in top lane? Any champions that do really well against him? My friend likes to play top, but he can’t win against Darius.
You can add me to the list of players, IGN: qoqonuts. I mostly play support, and I mostly do it in solo queue, but I’ll queue up with anyone who asks.
August 16, 2012, 3:27am
Any tips vs. Darius in top lane? Any champions that do really well against him? My friend likes to play top, but he can’t win against Darius.
You can add me to the list of players, IGN: qoqonuts. I mostly play support, and I mostly do it in solo queue, but I’ll queue up with anyone who asks.
Riven or possibly Lee, getting extra points in shields early lets you win trades with him