The last ROM on how to perform the ROM infinite inside

On Smaller characters…

When super jumping instead of doing 2 lks do just 1. That will lower them to the floor so they won’t be too high up. When they are too close to the ground then do 2 lks. =)

The timing is the same… it never changes. It should only be different on tall characters (BH,Sent,Jugg,Hulk).

…Im a beginner at the whole god damn infinite. All I really got down is launch,sj hk,air dash down,sj lk,sj lk. And everytime I sj when I land to do the lks it dosent hit. Any beginner sudgestions PLEASE???:depress:

do the lk as soon as you hit up on the stick

So you really have to sj. Ok ill try it tommorow. Thanx

yeah of course you have to. in normal jump you only get 1 action, so if you nj attack xx airdash, you can’t attack after the airdash. and the problem you’re having sounds to me like you need to pause in between the lks on the way down, cos they’re too high when you land. practice doing something like mags b&b into xx shockwave so that you get a hang of the timing for making sure that they’re low enough.

i’d suggest learning a bit more of the basics so you know what you can or can’t do and when, so that you don’t waste your time practising trying to do something impossible like 5 fierce combo xx hypergrav or something like that. plus it’ll help you with other characters as well, not just mags.

Oh ok. But I REALLY want to learn the infinite with Mags so ill use your advice. Oh yeah, I need help on the Iron Man infinite. I usually can only do it twice so if you can PM me about that and how to set it up in an air combo id REALLY appreciate it:D

Hey guys, i need help with mags rom infinite. i can get the ad, ad,, sj lk, but i cant, ?!?! i think its because when i use lk i hit it with my pointer finger instead of my thumb, do you have to use ur thumb to press lk? cause thats hard for me, and plus gettin the x2 is almost impossible because the lk doesnt go out sometimes and is he suppose to land after the 1st lk of add? confused :confused:

wait…Do you HAVE to use thoughs stradiges?? I dont… Is that the Problom?

ok… I have everything but one thing. after I super jump lk,lk,I cant get them when I air dash down. What happens is either I do that dumb wave or hes to high. Any advice?

hehheh yeah that’s where everyone messes up when they’re trying to learn rom :smiley:

there’s different ways to do it, but it all centers around pressing lk really really fast after the airdash. most people think “but i’m already pressing it fast!” trust me, you’re not pressing it fast enough. there’s 2 methods, one is claw, one is slide. you can probably find descriptions of both earlier on in the thread, go search. the timing i use is this : sj. lk lk really fast, pause slightly, addf lk, pause slightly, lk, repeat. if you’re using only 1 lk on the way up, there is less of pause before the addf lk. like i said, the exact timing depends a lot on the individual. the only constant is the lk really fast after the airdash. you can practice on sentinel first, with sentinel there’s no pause in the infinite at all so it’s good practice in getting the lk out fast enough after the airdash without worrying about the timing.
if you want to know about the ironman infinite, go look in the ironman thread. there are like 20 threads about how to do the infinite, plus more people there to answer ironman questions too.

Thanx A LOT. Ill try it as soon as I get home.

Wait…Amingo,you HAVE to use one of thoughs methods? Cuz I tryed it like 20 time and only hit him after the addf twice:wasted:

well not exactly. those 2 methods are basically guidelines to help people hit the lk after the airdash. i personally don’t use either, i just have to concentrate to make sure i’m hitting it really fast, something like slide but not quite.

you might not get it right away, just practice. lots of people can’t do it for a long time, and they just practice and suddenly one day they can even though they’ve been trying the same thing. if you’re getting it twice, you’re on the way :smiley: and now at least you know what it looks like when it works. when you can do it consistently, you’ll have to adjust your timing for various characters to find what you need to do to make it work on different sizes.

I dont use them niether. Ok then. Thanx for your your help. You have no idea how much it helped. I think its harder for me to do it because I use X-arcade for PS2. Everything seems a lot easier on the actual arcade…But w/e. Oh,and only 2 more question. Sometimes when I try the infinite,instead of dashing df I just do a hp. And is it easier to do the infinite with the air combo or use psylock to do it cuz I use psylock…:smiley:

your always going to land magneto’s infinite in a combo, whether psylocke hits or you land a triangle jump, when you get better though two low random’s leads to the infinite…basically you have to be good at both, because in marvel matches magneto might only get one shot at getting the infinite off on like a sentinel or storm

Oh ok. thanx for the input.

Anyone know where i can get some movies of the Mag ROM or of any other Mag videos?

Like every ROM inf guides, people always forget to mention if it’s d+lk or just lk. My timing for it is different than the first post posted here, maybe it doesn’t matter how the control is held?


Jst prctice ROm inf.
THere’s a thread there…

I have a few stupid Mags vids. Lol.

I can send them through AIM (eeerikm).