The last ROM on how to perform the ROM infinite inside

timing of a ROM infinite??? it can’t hit when i addf

lk_lk.when to pause??? its very hard. and i do tri

jump,rush whatever…magz timing infinite???

ROM = some dude in japan who discovered this infinite.
I think it was discovered at around ECC5 (tourney that made justin famous).

after the going up, pause till you’re head is slightly above the opponent’s head before the airdash. If the airdash lk didn’t connect, then the lk isn’t coming out fast enough. if it completely whiffs, then u gotta pause more after the lk’s going up.

magnegro- no you cant roll out of the slide infinite. instead of otging them every rep(which is impossible) you juggle them so they technically never hit the ground.

J_d’ GrEat- dont bother learning the normal jump infinite. the only time i use it is when im alernating reps of the rom and jump infinite on sentinel so i would say thats its only good use.

That was me that made the other thread. I was busy typing stuff up, so I wasn’t able to see this thread here. ANYONE HAVE A PROBLEM?:mad: :stuck_out_tongue:

wat was that infinite soo did to xecutioner’s mags at evo in the east coast west coast battle it was like the rom but then he landed then tri jumped lk,lk?it looked nice

im guessing

im guessing that on the infinite you can just do a c.fp launch in to ad.df lk lk and i want to knowing (im guessing not) if you can do a normal just instead of a super jump…cuz every time to try to super jump i go way to high and cant land the lk is there a video i can watch? or someone please help me?

And is there any other worth it magneto infinite combos and does magneto work well with tronne bonne her projectile type seems to work really well with him if yes please can i see some combos

watch jose gracia vs. combofiend in this site…watch josh wongs vids in… he did a rom inf. on med. char there…also watch justinwong vs alex valle vid n, justin did a normal jump inf there…

hope that helps…:slight_smile:

Its my Timin’

See the thing is I can do it on XvSF with NO problem, but I can’t seem to get it on MvC2, what can I possibly do wrong with thing ROM infinite?

yeah i saw that infinate on top-players mag exibition by shadyK n Ekin(won’t forget this time:p)

yo Ekin if you’re reading this how ya do this flashy shit?

I’ve got it finally!
the part i was mising was the pause after ad df lk, pause, lk.

Try this:

launch, sj .fp, ad df, slide index finger down from lp to lk, sj.lp, slide), ad df lk (slide method), lp…

slide madness

just trijump fast over and over

thanks for the sticky:D

about rom infinte

can somebody tell me the neutral addf of magz??? it is not working when i ad lk, it may cancel. i prctice hard but isn’t work.
thx everybody for helping me.




Just practice the fucking infinite…

You will eventually learn it. -_-

after the air dash, are we suppose to consistently use and not ad.d+lk?

cuz the d+lk keeps the opponent lower, while if you just go lk they go higher…

dunno, i’ve had more success with d+lk over just lk…but maybe since most people hold df for the ad they probably do d+lk without realizing…

You’re right about that… ppl should just do it like this. =)

can anyone help me with the timing of rom infinite on small characters such as strider