The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match Thread

Im trying to figure how they are gonna put Jhun there, I mean he could go with May lee, but the 3rd one?

also im seeing that Jhun is not gonna be the kind of character with long and damaging as hell combos (well…he has nerver been…except for the Dragon Step infinite) like Vanessa or Yama. Probably as a battery he could work. Lin looks promising enought to play him

jhun is always super strong in every kof he is in, just no one really plays him

Uh…wasn’t he the most used character other than Duo Lon in 2K3? Aside from Mallin, I can’t think of any other characters used more than those 3.

yeah in 2k3 it was pretty much double d then jhun and malin

in 99 he wasn’t all that hot

yea im not sure about 99 either. he hes anything like his 2000 version then he wouldve dominated easily even with kensou in that game cause everyone else is balls. in 2000 he is in the top tier. in 2k3 yea i remember people using his float bug but only against duolon rofl. but 2k3 is an extremely unpopular game, it didnt really cross my mind and tbqh i never saw all that many jhuns in it.

99 jhun wasnt hot, but 01 robert was the shit.i remember playing him with these insane juggle combos i really camt remember toom well involving his grab and dp canselled into dp super with something of a wall splat in it. really gotta play this game again. looks where one of the worst ever in a kof along with 2k2 but gameplay and especially combo options where some of the best ever in this kof IMO.

I used to…a lot actually

2000 jhun is the shit, lots of setup up for his Dragon Step infinite, plus godly stance movs.

2k3 jhun was good too, a bit changed but still good as hell

I’d buy a KOF2000: UM WAAAAAAY before 2K2: UM. I mean, why the fuck bother playing 98:UM with a different roster and SLIGHTLY different game mechanics?

Or do you faggots actually miss shitty hidden supers?

well 2k2 has new billy and new kim

i was kinda hoin they buff 98 billy close to 2k2 billy but they didnt. they did good with 98um kim tho

Nothing stopping them from putting 2K2 Billy into 2K:UM. I mean, it IS a dream match.

But hey, SNK has been rolling with silly decisions, so why stop now?

Because 2002 it’s actually a quite different game compared to 98 and no one cares about 2000?

May-Lee and jhun and i’ll be happy…

in 99 it was not a throw the entire thing was blockable, yeah it was d, u +p you could juggle with it after, i cannot quite remember if he had it in 2000 (been ages since i used robert in it)

As for 99 jhun not being that hot? you have to be joking, his stance moves were fucking stupid his dd+A stance was too good, the D move was an instant gc(and is fast as fuck)which could use follow ups such as foward B for guranteed damage it charged your meter in seconds, not to mention his infinent his easy combos stupidly good normals (standing D could punish shit from over half the screen away) he’s as good as 2000 jhun if not better.
Play 99 jhun then play 2000 jhun you’ll see it for youself it’s that obvious

99 was a funny game, so many characters had bizzare changes

yeah, gonna have to agree with virtua leon. 99 jhun was stupid good, his stances were TOO godlike, and he had one of the best CD attacks in the game, period.

in fact his CD attack was SO good in 99 that they changed that shit in 2000.

Bao being a crazy beast in 99 was pretty awesome.

Is this available for preorder or anything yet? I dont see it on any sites like play asia or w/e…

It’s going to be presented at TGS for the first time and it’s only 60% done IIRC, so it will take a time before it’s available for preorder I guess.

The people who cared about 2K2 care about 98 more, and it sure as hell doesn’t warrant a NEW UM for a game that isn’t that different.

But hey, SNK fans love having the opportunity to prove how they’ll eat just about anything SNK puts out.

People who play 2k2 usually don’t play 98. And both games are different enough. It’s an Alpha 2 to Alpha 3 difference.

So yeah, a remake for the most popular KOF at the moment sounds pretty logical.

Do you know how much money SNK would make if they ever realized that they can just release the same game over and over again and charge 50 bucks for it? All SNK has to do is “keep KOF true to it’s roots” i.e. play like 98. Throw in some other characters and take out moves and bam. 50 bucks.