"The King is back!" Sagat Video Thread

Here is a vid of AmeriKen possibly the best Sagat from America vs Mago I hope this vid can give you guys some ideas


My page also has vid of him fighting other top players like Shiro, Daigo, Tokido, Radiowave, Itabashi Zangief, TKD, and Marn

here there are

AmeriKen (sa) vs MArn (Ru)

AmeriKen (Sa) vs Tokido (Gou)

AmeriKen (Sa) vs Radiowave (Sa)

AmeriKen (sa) vs Itabashi Zangief (Za)

AmeriKen (sa) vs Daigo (ry) matches 1 and 2


AmeriKen (sa) vs Shiro (Ab)

thanks for upload, i watched this

this is my g2 championship final. if you guys could leave posistive comments and constructive criticism that would be helpful thanks

wow, that akuma was balls. you really need to punish better. instead of throwing, do c.mk>TU. don’t be so predictable with your tiger shots, especially against akuma. his ex demon flip will hurt real bad if he predicts one. RH is your friend against random demon flips. punish those jump ins.

thanks elwood. i have just started doing more c.mk>TK or TU

Wow, he beasted marn’s main. Props.

Recent vids of my mid-level Sagat.

Sagat vs Seth

Sagat vs Dictator


Maybe ill post more stuff later

Awesome fights dude, you using stick or controller?

Yeah, reminds me to practice crossups :blush:

Especially the video quality is great, even when not using HQ on Youtube :tup:

Good shit Alioune , you going SVB?

Thanks. I use a stick.

Crossups need to be landed quite late but atleast Sagat has one eh…


My latest replay vs Ryu.


Great video, the ending is amazing :wow:

Actually, I came across a video from you that was recorded in april, very interesting how much you have improved. How many hours do you play/practice in a week ?


I play when I can. I work full time so I’m not always on it. Maybe 10 hours a week? I’m not sure on exact figures.

Considering April was 5 months back, I’d say it’s reasonable progress. BnBs, Ultra setups, FADC combos at a satisfactory level.

one of the best final combos ive seen

Nothing fancy G1 match, looking for improvements suggestions

Sagat vs Chun-li

Sagat vs Viper


Remember chun’s overhead is 2 hits.


a quick vid demonstrating cross up knee on chun. it was with an iphone so the quality is pretty bad. the timing is different for each character, so you’ll have to experiment yourself.

Random crossup setup