The Julia Chang Thread

i completely SUCK at doing Dash cancel Party Crasher mid combo…any tips?

Are you doing qcb + mp and then button up on the dash to get the party crasher? Helps with getting the inputs out faster.

i was trying heavy actually

in corner after using tiger strike ender, julia can put herself in the corner using light swift step Vs. some characters and still be at frame advantage. this can be a nice 50/50 mixup if you slightly delay the light swift step because it will keep you same side. Also if you were to do tiger strike ender then light swift step into corner > back throw. you can do light swift step again and you will stay same side and if they are a good player, you should have just got them to block the wrong way and you can confirm into a big corner combo and end in tiger strike once more for a repeat 50/50.

dash cancel party crasher is not so hard. you just have to practice it that’s all. input doesn’t matter as long as you are consistent.

if you need help go into training and learn this:
practice cr.lp, cr.hp (practice with pLinked cr.hp for practical in-game use) x QCB+hp or QCB+lp+hp for EX > dash > f+mp (make sure you dash and THEN press mp whilst holding the second toward input because there is leniancy for this and you have a big window) > x tiger strike.

once you can do this no problem, try it in the combo you think you will use it in. and when you can do that try something like i have posted in the combo thread just now :wink:

some OS from jump in (backthrow > walk forward > etc.):
OS super for backdashes,
lunge punch for some backdashes and teleport etc.
OS backdash to whiff punish vs. chars who have invincible startup moves.

I’m playing some Julia casually because she sort reminds me of Yun. Lunge punch, sort of a shoulder, and a good dp. I’m really loving her backdash, its so fast and awesome.

Julia and good DP? I’m with you on everything else (and I love Julia and I’m glad now she’s the tekken character I decided to roll with) but outside of EX DP tag cancel, what’s really good about her dp? I know it has lots of active frames but its hit box seems pretty garbage moving forward. I’d love to put her DP to more use if someone could be so kind as to educate me.

I’m thinking that Julia should be a point character. Despite her punishment style. She’s not going to be doing much in terms of damage. One might as well slap on some gems that activate on blocked hits.

Maybe I’ll try this, I’ve been running her as an anchor exclusively, and just can’t find someone else I really like to team her with. I do really like her combos coming in after a launcher and have a damage gem set for her to activate upon tag. But as a point I can tag from her DP as well, so this will work well. Now just to find that other character…

Who does everyone else have partnered with Julia?

I really like Julia as point. With uses of meter she can get in really well with EX swift steps and normal wind rolls are a great too as well. Then again my anchor character is pretty awful at getting in so Julia’s decent tools are a great pair. All of her moves just seem so meaty that I dont find too much trouble getting in because ever hit counts.

The way I see it is that Julia is not an all around character that can make a comeback. I’d like to reserve that spot for someone who can definitely get in, while having the ability to turtle it out. Julia is great and all, but with a life deficit, it seems like she can’t do much.

Looking at Julia, the game definitely changes to her favor once she has two bars of meter for super. So in terms of gems you would want onslaught gems or something like thee EX speed gem that grants +200 meter after 4 blocked attacks. I would say the general strategy with Julia is to get those 2 bars of meter asap. The fastest way seems to be CADC back repeatedly and let the opponent come to you and force a mistake. Julia needs all the help she can get, I feel.

Right now, I’m running Ryu on anchor. He’s just solid all around, does decent damage. He has everything I’m looking for as an anchor. Also plays similar to Julia in that one of his main tools is cr.:mk: and has great anti-air.

By the way, I haven’t played this matchup yet, but how does Julia do against the likes of Dhalsim? I would think it’d be horrible. I better get to the lab and figure this one out.

I’ve been bashing on Julia in this game, but now I’m determined to work this character out, despite how bad she seems to me.

I’m initially trying out Julia/Kuma with Julia just applying f+:mk: pressure and following up on hit. If she has the meter, maybe go for a super art or combo into dp:hk: into Kuma’s :mk: xx :hk:FB, or his own super art

Not the best of tag combos as it does 410 for one meter, but with Kuma out with some toughness and power gems, he’s still a force to be reckoned with.

That said, he might eventually be switched out for someone like Heihachi or maybe Steve. Third day with the game and all.

My personal thoughts on Kuma as anchor are that he can maul people. But… he gets mauled by divekicks, or anything that alters jump trajectory. His anti-air is ok, but is failry slow. His best anti air also has to be done from the hunting stance.

Should I make a Julia partner thread? I made one in Xiaoyu’s and wouldn’t mind making one in this character forum.

julia forward HP should be an overhead no?

She needs at least something. Either in the form of an overhead, a divekick, commandd grab… anything.

Nope, even the guide says its not.

for consistancy on someone that you cant predict if they will roll or not after tiger strike,
empty dash, cr.MK os tiger strike/dash punch by going df to back MP

really easy way to make em quit rolling around

So besides combos its 100% useless great capcom hope in the ultimate mega optic blast ver. they put some
Good moves to tekken cast.

If that became an overhead, they would have to slow it down a bit.

I find it better to end combos with tiger strike mid screen.
After a tiger strike mid-screen immediately do her swift step explosion. They can’t back dash or jump out of it. Pretty damn hard to punish( seems like only supers can punish it and very fast sweeps like akuma’s but it is a 1 frame punish hard to do) if they decide to do a reversal it will trade. They could rol forward but why would they do this beause they are already a full screen away. If you catch them blocking low. Which will be about 70% of the time free crumple lol. do her :f::hp: (to bound them), :b::mp::mp:, cr.:hp: into super that’s 500+ damage. Once they decide to block high. do the swift step into a low attack and you got them again lol.

A possible strategy:

Often you buffer Julia’s cr mk or cr lk into tiger strike as a poke to throw out for someone to run in to. Obviously it’s bad if you misjudge it and they block the initial low because tiger strike is very negative on block, so the point is to either counter their poke or hit them unexpectedly as they’re walking forward.

Another tool to use is to poke with cr mk or cr lk buffered with her far standing hp. You can confirm whether this hits or is blocked and go into her launcher if it hits. Even if it’s blocked, Julia’s far standing hp sort of makes her take a step forward then a step back, making it harder to punish on reaction than most blocked boost chains. This can lead to very good damage, but make sure it’s the end of your cr lk or mk that hits or else you’ll get her close st hp which is much easier to punish on block! Hopefully you judge and space well enough so that blocking this rarely occurs in the first place.

One of my combos off this is to complete the boost combo to send in my partner Xaiyou, do a cr. Hp to her dp then switch cancel Julia back in to do a jump hk, land cr hp xx hard rising kick.

It does 450 for one ex bar and this is all off of landing one of her very good pokes. There’s a bunch of characters besides Xaiyou who can do things similar to this with Julia as their partner.