The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!




did I say it was bad?


Is that money match? OH OH OH OH!!! WE GOT OURSELVES A MATCH! THIS IS JOJO’S BAYBEE! Someone pick mango jotaro!

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure tournament today! Sign up on the site or PM me or roukyou if we’re online. I expect everyone to show up and get 2DF crackin early. :wink:

I think he`s confused child. Probably thinks I am you and you are me.

Will be there tonight :smile:

so what are the matches for the torney?

im workin on teh brackets ill have a link for you on 2df in a few

sorry for the double post before hand but the finals will take place tomorrow there will be a broadcast link so ppl can watch since it will be on 2df

Bracket link:

sorry i couldn’t make it guys,

i had a concert then a dance i had to go to~

big <3 for big jojo

hey gamegeezer,

could you get me an avatar like yours, but with rubber soul shouting instead?

double posting combo droppin, square dancin, concert attending mo fo!


<3 <3 <3 hope the jojo tourney was fun!

My problem with Jotaro is that I can’t link A, F+B well because when I press 2 same keys on keyboard, timing doesn’t feel correct for some reason. Probably just need practice. When I configure Forward and B on same button, I could do that chain more often.

Btw, you can’t do 2 tandem attacks in same combo?

it’s not a chain, it’s a link. also, 2 buttons at the same time should be OK on any keyboard?

you can simply hold forward then do A,B, no need to push forward only after the A.

yes, more than 1 tandem per combo is possible, but it is jojo etiquette to only use 1. you can do 2 if you stand crush, though.

hey hey, still having some trouble with Vanillas tandem ender. after the last [QCB A] do i do cr.A1 x2, fwd.A3 > super druing Creams attack or after? or does it not matter? lol

i hope my question makes sense >_<

you can do it at the same time as the last hit on the tandom or after the last hit

Whats the highest you guys have ever gotten on challenge mode?

Im not that good, so i only got to level 23 with robber soul.

Lol, i missed that memo somehow… :sweat:

Check this youtube channel. It has a lot of JJBA matches

lol kinda late on that again ryukendenx cause at the gates is one of the guys that made it