The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

the jp version of the game seems to be default in debug mode.

I just hold the start button and mash the buttons until i figure out what does what.

It is fun playing death 13 and n’doul guy, even if they both crash the game pretty quickly.

ggs juno and half umm ill host it at 8Pm central you know usa/can and UK only gotta keep that delay in check

new jojo’s tourney?

fuck yeahhh

ggs roukyou

god I hate having to use a 360 controller.

how many people usually join these tournaments?

I figured it out for 2P side anyways, just hold C and then press start once. Not sure what the conditions are to get Boss Dio yet because he doesn’t appear consistantly like the rest of the cast, but it’s official that Boss Vanilla is fucking broke. This guy is easily S+++++ tier with all his unblockable bull shit. You have to be japanese to react to half the crap he does. Boss Dio is pretty garbage, but I say he’s S++ tier because he has the pimp jacket and looks fucking sick with roadroller. Geb is like mid tier, because if he gets stand out plus assist he’s easily S+++++++++++x100 tier because he becomes invincible, but if you hit him before he can do any of that he dies :rofl: . So your opponent either dies slowly, or you die quickly. And Death 13 has yet to be given a tier because I haven’t learned all his moves. But I’m thinking dude is low due to lack of unblocks and supers. heres teh signups for this weeks 2df ranbat

Good sets tonight gentlemen. I especially enjoyed the 2df movie night, for those that stook around to catch it. Billy Madison followed by The Spirit…so many lulz. :lovin:

hey guys so im actually gonna start playing jojo’s again…again.

anything new happening or is it just same ol’ shit?

meh I guess I’ll join the tourney even if I still suck.I’m Dark Matter on 2df and I can host.

Edit: LOL @ someone using a tourney banned character seriously(pet shop).

lol i enjoyed the movie night also ggs filthyrich man plays an angry dio like geezer said :stuck_out_tongue:

Mort Mort, it’s like 10:49 Am right now (roughly around 4:49 PM your time) and there are two brits in the room lookin for dat Jojo’s. You need to get your sleeping habits changed around.

Guy just play’s like a madman, so angry and shit. :lol: Dun worry filthy, that’s a good thing bud :lovin:

bleh. 2df’s being gay tonight.

yea i notced the random disconnects on there tonight

I had some good game with the one guy who didn’t disconnect, it was like NLG-something.

two questions:

  1. can anyone post some vanilla ice combos or direct me to a place that has some? I can seem to figure out any, and he just seems like a poker

  2. are there any know ways to combo into dio’s steamroller?

A. [media=youtube]vBqMTJwBU_Y[/media]

anything leading to tandem [a1, a2, a3, a1, a2, a3, qcf+AA]. During the tandem, keep dashing forward until the stand does a3, and you must do a3 immediately after it. keep doing so until the knives super come out and do your steamroller the moment the “freeze” from the super activation is over. you might have to do 2 knives. Its not worth the effort or meter to do this though and this is possibly the only way to connect the steamroller.

Steamroller isn’t really a great super outside of “Za Waruld (time stop)”.


who’s up for a game?

I want to test out my hol horse.

JJBA requires hard timing for normal attack links. I advise people to practice timing instead of pressing buttons as fast as they can. Unless you can press buttons with 1-2 frame speed, you will miss 1-2 frame links.

And no, I don’t use autofire stick. I play on keyboard which limits my character selection to Hol Horse.

Steamroller is a good super, roadapple.