The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

also, Im Milkr0und on 2df, and im always up for some jojo’s.

edited: fuck, i was thinking of something else

Why does sperm come out of dio’s head in the european version when he wins?

its suppose to be blood, and that happens due to censorship.

You can turn regulation off in the dipswitches to toggle the censorship.

you know ive played most in this thread but id like to see what xenozip has got

yeah me too all that imfo but no show.

MilkR0und I remember you raging me in Jojos and Garou :mad:

what was your name?

because I haven;t played garou in awhile, and i sucked at it.

We should have a tournament for jojo on 2df if we get enough people.

Jojo’s tournies have been done before on 2df. We’re due for another one soon. I might host it if roukyou doesn’t :3

LOL @ sperm :rofl:

cool, but how will we do matches between people who can’t host?

also, does anyone actually use pet shop?

he is top tier but i don’t see him played much, and he isn’t very fun to play.

hes fun to play actually lol

is he retarded? yeah.

does anyone play him seriously on 2df? i dont think so?

this game is all about playin mango flavored jotaro anyway =D

I figured someone here would enjoy this: [media=youtube]dMk_Ea3NCbI[/media]

Uhh… my name was Shady424 obviously.

Edit: To MilkR0und

You use the NFBA emulator with the Hamachi assist. Use this guide to set it up, most of us already got it for these purposes

There are two petshop users that i know about, although i’m not sure how rusty they are. :sweat:

it has been 2 weeks since the last one i guess i could hold another one
if interested pm me and tell me your nick name on 2df if you can host so we can make sure you get paired up with soem one who can in hte first bracket at least

Good call, I’ll round up the troops. :lovin: Which day you gonna hold it rouky?

gg roukyou ill be avaiable today if anyone wana play some jojo


GGs ROU, roxed me with that s.dio.

how do you do the funky character switch glitch again?

someone on 2df told me awhile ago, but if forgot

that shit was so funny and weird.