The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Can I be a Juggernaut too? or how about a Jigglernaut

man those wheresome seriously crazy sets filthy good stuff as usual


:r: + :snkb: xx :qcb: :2p:

Jotaros combo of the month bought to you by mortum and the letter 5


Yo guys, Jigglernaut won’t be able to make it today. Wish I can, have fun you guys.

I bet $5 on ryukendenx will win, he DA MAN!!!

geezer, see you later sorry yo.

:o how dare thee!

lol get that extra bit of dmg for the win mort

gg’s to everyone at the tourney it was major fun and great to see a lot of USA people in there for once all available. Two of our great players came back to shake off the rust, Halfro and Madhatter. Good stuff guys, gotta get your old groove back and things will be kool. :tup:

ggs man,

I didnt have an answer for your poly, last time i played you you were as rushdown as me. Now, your mad patient and poly’s pokes are really good. haha. quite a contrast. I just gotta play you more :slight_smile:

gotta play it safe on his pol cause if you rush in you wont fair well

That’s why I can lose easily to you guys. I play rushdown Dio, I don’t have time to learn the game :sweat:

At least summer vacation is coming up for me :wonder: Unless I’m busy then too :wasted:

why is everyone on 2df and not ggpo ?:wasted:

lol most are chattin on both now i gott em comin around a bit got stafos on there more often now just need to get geezer able to play on there as well

Because GGPO discriminates against the colored.

hahahahah! Son of a bitch it does lol!

You wont get Geezer, he cant port forward like me. We have unknwon issues with our ISP or computer.

I have a theory it has to do with my computer, but I can’t confirm till I try with my mom’s computer. Dunno, we shall see. For the moment I’m just mainly a 2df guy. :sweat:

Game geezer plz check pm. :frowning:

hmm u guys ever try any other games on ggpo? I know someone that could play vampire savior but can’t play jojo’s on ggpo.Had something to do with the pc not being good enough.U can also try some other things like:

  1. Defragment Your Disk Drive( need 20 % of free space).
  2. Send multiple challenges(2-3 and accept them all and have them load up at once).
    3)Reinstall ggpo.
    4)try hooking your internet straight into the modem.

sometimes I can’t play on ggpo myself, but I always get it back working the same day.

so, like i told geezer on 2df it wont recognize the jOjO rom
now b4 anyone backtracks let me say:
it is in a folder with karnov which 2df recognizes fine
the rom is recognized by ggpo (euro build)
i have tried moving it to another folder and routing the path there but no luck…
what can i do to fix this?

yeah it does hate on us black people