dang thats weird.
If you talked to geezer, I assume he mentioned that it takes 2 files for jojo to run on 2df, not sure if it needs both for ggpo.
otherwise, I have no clue why it wouldnt be reading it. =(
I know I prolly didnt help ; ;
dang thats weird.
If you talked to geezer, I assume he mentioned that it takes 2 files for jojo to run on 2df, not sure if it needs both for ggpo.
otherwise, I have no clue why it wouldnt be reading it. =(
I know I prolly didnt help ; ;
no actually he didnt =/
what 2 files?
I linked them :sad:
i will not discuss it here but someone pm me what the other file is besides the EU rom itself =X
I got you :wonder:
cool, glad i could somewhat help, kinda… i think?
go go geeezaaaaa!
so when you gonna get back to playin apple?
You sir, have to play with us again soon. You been away for so long :sad: Gosh darn City Of Heroes got you again >.<
nope, Dungeon & Fighter now, I dropped my CoH account a few months back =D.
DnF, its like final fight + dungeons and dragons beat em up + sf2 + final fantasy, for those who dont know. (if you never heard of it, definately go youtube it)
Ill be back around for jojo soon tho, count on it =D.
Got a lil gathering this saturday, to play some SF4 (be my first time playing) and I got a friend there that has experimented with jojo some. Maybe get the other people into jojo as well, we see =P
Nice, be sure to teach them everything you know, master apple :china: Who you using now a days?
well I’m starting to get the basics down with vanilla ice,but man those links are so hard.
Oh I got a question how do i air dash low to the ground like those pros do ?
12 seconds in the vid he does it.
just shortjump back stand then hit fwd a3 thats what i usualy do
also the links will come to you later on his are alot easier than most imo
O_o They are?My god.Well C.A1,C.A1, then forward + C.A3 or Forward + C.A2 isn’t that hard(i can get it 6 or 7 out 10 tries).But C.A1,C.A1,Forward + C.A3 xx HCB+A1 seems like a 1 frame link.:looney:
I can get it(i was able to do it for 4 reps in the corner),but my god, its going to be a long time before i’ll be able to do his links 100%.
Thanks for the explanation roukyou.Mind if i post that info in the other thread?
go right ahead and fixed your chain in that last sent:wgrin:
lol yeah i forgot about the forward(S) parts.
K posted in the Q and A list.Thanks again for the help.
After doing some testing, now I understand what you meant. You can’t use Supers on wakeup because they have few vulnerable startup frames before they are activated, but once they are activated, they have invincibility frames or just bigger attack priority. So, it may seem that they are completely invincible like in some other fighting games, but they are not.
However, doing wakeup Tandem attack works in that scenario as a option select. If you Jotaro does meaty F+B, you will block it. If he does nothing or delays it, your Tandem attack comes out.
there’s a trick/shortcut to it, but it’s so hard i can barely do it.
i think the input was: (optional: hold 6), 8+S,66, j.6C according to dio in akiba. i’m still not 100% sure how to do it consistently.
do it with qcb C, not qcb A. that way it works midscreen, too. i have yet to check framedata for vanilla’s qcbA/B/C move to confirm which one has the least startup (maybe B?), but the range on C is the best.
thats a fantastic lil bit of information right there!
thank you for sharing =D
how large is the community lately for this game?
We’ve been getting a lot of returning regulars both GGPO and 2dfighter. You can really get matches now a days on either one, depending on the time of day (i’m mostly online always on 2df if i’m available). If your new to the series i stress that you get online and one of us can show you the basics and get you into this amazing series. This game is hardcore mad fun. But yeah, there are regulars on GGPO and 2df that you can catch online at random times during the day. I’m always up for matches, so message me when you get a chance and hopefully I can get sometime in for matches or w/e.