The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

well since metor man has been gone for a while ill hold the next ranbat but im keeping it usa/can and uk only(their connection is decent in relationship to usa players so ill allow it) just pm me or hit me up on aim if your wanting to play

just got GGPO so I will be playing this online since It is one of my all time favorites.

Because, that’s incorrect. He does not have to take the hit. I explained why.

  1. He can let go of finger and roll
  2. He could be jumping during finger hold and the super would whiff
  3. If an attack lands meaty YOU CAN NOT SUPER.

also i forgot to mention that i was hostin the next ranbat on Friday cause thats the day he usually does his so same time as his 8pm (central time zone)

  1. Super wouldn’t hit Jotaro, it would hit his Stand.
  2. His Stand would stay on the ground and take the hit.
  3. That Super is made for countering, just like many others in game. You cannot meaty hit it.

Okay, in regards to 1 and 2 I forgot Jotaro’s stand won’t move through the opponent, sorry. You’re right the Stand will get hit by Anubis Polnareff’s super. I don’t play as Jotaro much. That super is probably more effective than other supers because it’s a 1-hit. But it doesn’t matter because:

  1. Not in the arcade version, no. If the move is actually meaty you can’t do super or roll through it. The super just doesn’t come out, and you also can’t roll.

Try it against a projectile like Mariah’s Stand or Rubber Soul’s qcf+A. Easy way to check is with Mariah, get close and do c.A3 toward+S. If you can reversal through the outlet let me know.

If it works in the console version that’s one thing. But I know you can’t reversal through a meaty attack in the arcade version.

No, you can’t meaty hit his Super. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is not like Street Fighter.

Umm, in Street Fighter the super would actually work.

I’m saying the Super doesn’t work in Jojo’s. So yeah it’s not like Street Fighter.

Please go test this against Mariah. I’ve tested it many times. You can not roll or super through a meaty attack when getting up off the ground.

Please test with Mariah: get close c.A3 toward+S, then super through the outlet when you get up. You can NOT super or roll through the outlet in the arcade version, just like you can not super or roll through any meaty attack when getting up.

Heya guys! Been around SRK a bit, but never really tapped into this thread despite me loving JJBA and playing it as much as I can on GGPO. Hope to see some of ya’ll there!

Xenozip is right, end of story.

ryukendenX is the same guy that says theres no lag on 2df when he plays against Americans.

He lives in Serbia or something.

With nearly a full second of input lag, it sure is hard to time a meaty. No wonder ryukendenX doesnt belive in it!!!

Meaty = loch-ness monster. People say its true, and it exist… but I haven’t seen it so it must not exist!

lol the jabs being thrown at ryukendenx too funny

Well just to clarify, I admit jumping or releasing finger and then rolling isn’t going to save you from a 1-hit super, but it’s a non-issue.

Because yeah, as many times as I’ve tested reversals in the arcade version, it has never ever ever worked. You can not reversal super or reversal roll on wakeup through a properly timed attack in the arcade version, as far as I know. Best way to test that is with Mariah c.A3 into toward+S and try to reversal through it.


the only way you can wake up super is if your thrown and you tech but the other person still has the ability to guard cause ive tested this cause i saw a yt video on it (don’t remember if it was dandy j or not ).

We are talking about Jotaro, not Mahrahia (THAT IS HER NAME DAMMIT!)

About Street Fighter comment, I meant those supers like Ryu’s SA1.

No it really is Mariah as in Mariah Carey.
Mahrahia (or whatever it’s spelled ingame) was either a misromanization or to prevent potential lawsuits (like Vanilla Ice being just Iced).

Whoo what a productive post.

how the hell do you think you can reversal super with a projectile?

Why would you think that a mechanic like reversals would be situation specific? If you can’t get through the outlet what makes you think you could get through any other attack that was timed properly? I also gave you the example of trying to get through R.Soul’s projectile.

But whatever, fine, with Jotaro do c.A3 then short jump forward and do meaty j.A3 as the opponent is standing and see if you can super through it with Anubis Polnareff. It won’t work. Ever.

And no, her name is Mariah. Here’s her name in the Japanese version of the game, it says “Mu Ra I A”. Stop going by the shitty localized version of the characters names, because they are wrong, okay?

She was named after a singer named Mariah Carey. The names “Iced” and “D’Bo” from the localized versions don’t even make any sense. Their names are Vanilla Ice and Devo because they were named after musicians. Same with “Voing” which doesn’t even make a damn bit of sense.

No, not “with” a projectile. Through a projectile. A meaty projectile. Mariah sets her outlet over your body, you’re not going to be able to super through the outlet on wakeup. You HAVE to block it or get hit by it.

The moment Black Polnareff does his QCB+AB Super, he can’t be hit (he can be hit only after his Stand attacks).

Can you give link to video where someone meaty hits someone’s Super?

lol such a productive post by pots