The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

lol i get on an challenge alot but ppl either quit on me or decline so i tend to just sign off and the ggpo room has been empty too

OH SO YOUR GRRSAUCE! :rofl: Hit me up even if i’m away for a match. Didn’t realize that was you when you were online. I’m sure you know who I am, on 2df :looney:

Id like to jump in on some tourneys. Ill try to start showing up at like 7 PM on Fridays if Im at the house.

lol finnally another usa ggpo player posted

checkin out email hopped on GGPO

hit me up if any1 reads this now

Alright, got some people coming back after the SFIV hype went down. Lets get some shit going again.

You really are filthy rich (PS3/Xbox360 owner) :rofl:

Are we suppose to be in this thread or the “new” one?


yeah, hdr + sf4 release within months of eachother kind of kicked my ass. Im back though.

General chat goes here, I didn’t want the other thread getting filled with posts and new people wouldn’t be able to find the information (which was what the thread was made for, info). Alucard started a good thing, so I had to make sure it didn’t go outta control.

But hell man i know what you mean, except it was SFIV AND RE5 for me. Shit was some serious crack. Stood up till late hours of the night playing both online. Few people stepped their game up in your absence. With that being said, also some people dropped out of the scene for a little bit. Gonna try to see bout getting a tourney started up again to bring people back into this. :smile:

Hey guys. I might start playing again, soon, every now and then. I look forward to it. I wouldn’t mind some good games. :woot:

i just started playing jojo about 4 days ago.
best damn bemu i ever played lol :smiley:

some news from ze germans.

we got two more jojo beginners who play jotaro and devo. shi & me are also a lot more active lately and are online on GGPO at least 2,3 times a day.

also, dreachain (finland, 2df player) now hangs around in ggpo as well, another good reason to go online and have some games.

You eastern guys always get all the fun to yourselves. While i’m stuck wasting my morning to other things and the american players get on about the time i start playing sfiv online or doing other things. Damn, AND i can’t ggpo to work. Guess i gotta put that extra lengthy ethernet cable to good use. Wanna show people whats the business in the USA. Got some buddies on ggpo been dying to teach how to play this game. Hopefully this scene keeps growing like it has been, and the interest stays high in this game. SFIV is just so damn addicting, and RE5. More Polnareff training for me.

Thinking of doing another Jojo’s tourney (myself) if there isn’t another one on 2df soon. This scene needs to get people back into it. I just am gonna be busy on the weekends with local tournies and gatherings, so gonna have to wait two weeks or so. Best believe Jojo’s is back! :rock:

Plugs in his ranbat site sign up an ill set up dates willin to do 2df as well since metor man has been mia too since i got a friend who will spec and rec on ggpo as well and still would like to have some baisc combo clips recorded for the new comers as well as casuals and tourney vids

I’ll play in it.

Been on a little lately, havent seen to many of us though :frowning:

I met only 1 average JoJo player. His name is fdsa1234 and he plays on GGPO.

Got few questions about JoJo:

  1. How do you cancel some non-cancelable moves?
    2 How did Musaraki player chain his A into Stand On+A?
  2. Did BBC cancel his C into QCF+S or he is doing it that fast?
  3. I saw someone doing Star Finger right after QCB+A>QCB+C. Cancel?
  4. Why don’t players do Super when they see Jotaro doing Star Finger on wakeup?

That would be all and I appreciate any help with these questions.

Ehh, they call a lot of characters in the series “Jojo” since it’s kind of a nickname. I’m sure you mean Jotaro though, not young Joseph or old Joseph, right?

  1. Thats kind of vague and broad. Can you give an example of what you mean?
  2. By pressing A1 about one frame after pressing S. It’s a link, you press A1 then wait for it to recover then S~A1. It’s a 3frame link.
  3. Can you link the video in question? Not sure what he did without seeing the video.
  4. What about it? You mean with stand activated the qcb A1 qcb A3 dp+A1 rekka? It hits in the corner, but not midscreen.
  5. He’s not completely helpless during the held finger while unactivated. The very same frame he lets go of the finger he can roll or super, and even while he’s holding the finger he can jump, so wakeup super is really poor. He can probably just release finger then roll or super on reaction to the superflash. Besides, you can’t reversal through meaties so if he does a meaty attack you’ll get hit instead of super anyway.

sadly i thought i explained it in the other thread as well but oh well there you go

Thx for answers Xenozip.

When I said I met only 1 average JoJo player on net I meant that I met only 1 average JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure player on net. fdsa1234 plays with Dio. Well, he uses Alessi too, but not as well as Dio.

Canceling exist in PSONE version but I still don’t know how to do it there.

I already figured out how to chain A into Stand On+A. Pressing A, then A+S at the right time. I know all about Jotaro’s Star Finger, but I don’t know why Jotaro’s opponents don’t use Super on wakeup when they see Jotaro doing Star Finger. Example: Jotaro charges Star Finger while Black Polnareff is lying on the ground. Right when Black Ponareff gets up, he does QCB+AB. Jotaro must take a hit?

Your probably playing new guys, or guys who don’t feel like trying to slap out a super on wake-up. When I play (online anyways), I’d rather block than follow up with pushblock or guard cancel if I can. For me its much more safer than attempting to super and possibly not having it come out (especially online). My reaction speed for Jojo’s is good, but even then I don’t do things I don’t have to if I don’t need to. It just varies per person really. Wake-up star finger is fairly meaty if used right. But yeah, like I said, it’s all preference based.

I would like to think some of our american 2df Jojo players are at least average (or above). Simply because your from another side of the globe and delay doesn’t affect you much, doesn’t mean you should count out the other players. I’ve had plenty of good matches with some of our american players and they really can bring the heat. Although we’re all still very far away from high level play. Jojo’s is a game of perfection and awesome :slight_smile: