The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

thats the longest combo from bcc’s tutorial, from our wiki:

(jump-in),[2]A,[2]C,8C, 2C, d.3B or d.3C, [1]A,[1]A,[1]C,6C, d.3C,2C, 214S [A,B,CxN], [d.3A, 2AxN] xN, at the end smalljump j.C, /,[2]A,[2]C,8C, 2C, d.3B oder d.3C, 5Ax5, d.3C, [1]A,[1]A,[1]C, 6C, d.3C, 2SA, s.2C, 236 + 2 Attacks: [corner only, 2 Supers] 90% damage.

Hey thanks man, that saves me quite a bit of time. I had everything figured out from looking at it except that combo :lovin: When i get a job i’ll buy a new router or an ethernet cable to run to my computer so i don’t have to worry about my portforwarding issues. Despite you being from germany with such a huge distance between us, it’d still be nice to get GGPO working and run a few games. :tup:

well alot of us usa players are tryin to find a day to get in alot of casuals goin as well as find more new players so im offering to host a weekly ranbat and ill have footage as well on the site of the finals stats and i wanna have some tutorial vids up as well so if your interested let me know

you guys should take up roukyou’s offer, it would bring some life to ggpo jojo, as well as bring players together to play at the same time.

I’d def be interested in a weekly ranbat; only issue is that I usually work weekends and am unavailable on those days (although sometimes I can do Sat/Sun night).

ok i dont mind sunday either im just never really around on a sat

when’s the jojo ranbats on 2df is it tonight or tomorrow? (i’d check but i cant get on to the 2df site for some reason)

Oh and sorry about the other night Roukyou i just couldnt focus and play properely

its cool at least we got a set in later on my dbo skill steady improving btw if any ggpo usa players still interested ive made the changes to the site im hosting my ranbat on so check the front page and youll see the info


got a real controller finally, gonna start jumpin on more often =D

I would kill a man in the street for a true sequel to this game.

awesome StreetOrange is back, too bad I’m not around due to studying T___T

hey guys noticed there wasnt any jojo’s community site so i started one help support plz

JoJo’s + ??? Fans Join

If you are looking for a community based on the series itself not the game

Any updates on the tournies? Seems like the tourney scene died…i could be mistaken cuz i haven’t been around as much, but someone fill me in on the next event.

anyone on ggpo wanna help me with this game lol i wanna learn. love the game but dont know the rule set stuff.

i’ve been playing again yesterday with shi.

german jojo isn’t dead - we are just playing a lot of sf4 right now. sooner or later the novelty will wear off and we’ll all be back to jojo.

yea think everyone is on sf4 cept for the ppl that didnt get it for console (me T_T)

I have a good stick now so I’ll be on more often. So when casuals or tourneys start up I’ll be on most likely everyday now. So just gimme a hollar.

sure im on alot too whats your name on 2df again?

I got school working keeping me down. I havent touched SF4 that much since its an effort to get to my console and hook everything up. Ive been on 2df ALOT more than SF4 since I have computer on a lot and its right there on my break. Funny how I dont see you that often.