The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

yeah negative edging may help you get moves out, but you still drop combos like maddddd

jk apple u kno i only got <3 fo u

and yeah honestly, after getting some more experience with the DC version, i’m REALLY feeling the delay in 2df… i wish GGPO would work D:

Those that still can’t get GGPO to work but now can play on Kailleria via Hamachi. Maybe that helps?

well im on both logos so if you see me on just challenge always down to play

edit- good stuff logos just work on his bnbs and that stand on stuff i showed you an the mixups

Yeah, had fun and learned some good stuff. Also gotta work on my poking, 'cause I don’t really know his normals that well. Thanks again for the tips. :tup:

Edit: Went ahead and organized the BBC BnB vids into a playlist since I keep referring to them and figure it’d be better to have them accessible than have to dig into gostunv’s vids every time I wanna look something up. Playlist is here if any of you are interested; I arranged it alphabetically with the alternate versions of chars right underneath the normal char.

I’ve started writing up a Polnareff guide. Hopefully I can add meaningful things to the wiki soon. I’ve already got a few combos written out. Hopefully more people start picking up Pol with less mysteries as to what the hell the commands are for his
"Basic" combos.

but thats the best part spending hours figureing out what buttons he pressed in that exact frame lol jk

quoted for truth =D

sorry i havent been around on 2df or ggpo lately, new pc controller is already turning to junk.

they dont make d pads like they used too ; ;

ps2 pad never changes lol

funny you should say that =D

im waiting on my lagless converter for a ps2 pad =D

and for the stick thats in the making, but thats still a ways off!

you guys play JoJo with PS2 pads? WTF D:

well i do dont know about the rest of them

I play on PS3 pad, now what? :lovin: Gonna be getting stick hooked up once I get this tax money I’ll be buying a converter for my stick. But right now I’m content with my PS3.


AtTheGates, I need your assistance once more man, I’m really in a little bind here. On the [media=youtube]V6qeVV0viIU&feature=PlayList&p=B6EFBA7EEE8F6AAA&index=18[/media] at or around 01:04-01:09 for Polnareff, I’m having issues figuring out what it is that he’s doing. Is that a dash after cr. A1 + S to 5A1? I’m working on the Polnareff guide and learning all of his various moves at the sametime but i just need another opinion on this one. I imagine its the same for 01:15-01:20 as well. :wasted:

i was playing jojo the heritage of future recently. I was told and read about that it’s not too different from the first one. The wiki basic combo says Dio: cr.a1+qcb.a1, and I saw this in video too but I never get that into a combo. Is there any trick in that? Also the wiki says 5a1+S. So when I pressed st.a1+S only st.a1 comes out. Can someone PM me and tell me the trick please? Please!

Edited: After reading more in another thread, so here’s what I get: after cr.a1, I have to use a “walk cancel”, tapping forward, then do qcb.a1? and a1+S, it’s instant and combos the stand in? I tried, whoa, the timing is so hard.

it’s 2A, 2SA, d.s.5A, s.2C, tandem. both of those 2 links on their own are easy, but one after the other, ugh.

2A, 214A can be done in one of two ways:

  1. just 2A, 214A - very hard because you have to be extremely fast
  2. 2[A], 14]A[ (c.A (hold button), qcb, (release A) ) <— easier, i do it like that, but needs practice.

about the S+A: you usually do it after 2A, 2A, then just hold forward, and after a while press SA. don’t be too fast or the walk cancel won’t register, the game will think you just did a chain combo and will do 5A without the S.

Thanks man, i figured it out last night after my internet cut off but ugh, like you said. I’m practicing and when i learn those two and master them, it seems to be able to loop the tandem infinitely if you use it as an ender. Or am i mistaken? I mean, difficulty aside, its possible to loop this thing infinitely, theoretically speaking? :looney:


last night i found that holding and releasing button in 2a+214a, i was so happy! though it did not come out very often yet it’s better than before! so basically when 5sa after 2a, I need a walk cancel? I’ll try it out.

i just started this game two days ago. it’ fantastic! plus I already read all the Jojo comic a long time ago!

one sad thing is that I went to JOJO room on GGPO a few times yesterday, and I could always count the people with ONE hand (so less than 5). there were two playing and when i tried to watch it turned out to be SF33. WTF??

2DF generally has a pretty good amount of americans always willing to play. It’s not as great as GGPO from what i’ve been hearing, but i can at least help with basic shit. I got same name on 2DF, come hit me up. :wink:

EDIT: Nothing major but, I added some small entries to the SRK wiki for Jean Pierre Polnareff. He finally has some meat to him. I haven’t added all of my fancy stuff yet, but I’m getting there. I’m going to notate every single combo on the BBC video guide onto the SRK wiki. I’ll lay down some posts when i get more updates.

first combo in the list is corner only
2nd combo (the one with walldive) should be walldive, d.3B, link 2B, release C, d.3C, 2C, tandem
instead of the d.2A and so on.

Thanks for catching that my man, very sharp. I made more edits to the wiki and beefed up the BBC stuff. There’s only one ender that I’m not 100% on, but i think i am pretty spot on for the most part. :tup: Jean Pierre Polnareff wiki