well when ever you get teh chance today ill be on both
I try to play on ggpo as well, just hard to find americans playing regularly.
2df is alright, but anything reactionary is hard.
Never seen Pet Shop lose yet. Which Jotaro player is this? I don’t think it’s BBC. Anyway pretty damn good if you ask me.
lol @ aqualung. I feel stupid…I tend to not look at the more info description.
im pretty sure thats bbc playing jotaro, description even hints at it.
theres not many people who can play jotaro like that.
yeah, that’s bbc. we found those on nico not too long ago, it’s from casuals just before or after the latest mikado tourney we think - simply because both BBC and the vanilla who made it to finals plays in that batch, and it was released almost at the same time as the mikado vids.
It’s things like that that make me think “balls…I know so little…” That Jotaro is too good.
Polnareff training today, I’m going to be exploring stand mode combos. Although I am always looking for people to practice with/on. Still can’t get ggpo to work but I think I know why, just can’t do anything about it at the moment. I’ll be on 2df most of the day till real late most likely.
Also, AtTheGates, you wouldn’t happen to know who the best Polnareff player is would you? I just need a name, that way I can look him up for some reference combos and stuff.
yo geezer,
unfortunately, i have no idea i actually don’t have that much pol matchvids at all - the only one i can remember right off the bat is from the tourney at bbcs site (the one that had brackets etc). polnareff vs. joseph, it looked like the pol was scrub (as is often the case in pro matches in jojo, simply because you expect people to just tandem away)…until finally he landed a tandem - shocking sight.
tandem setups i use with pol:
anywhere: d.s.5A, link s.5.A, s.2C, tandem
anywhere: [2],8[C], d.3B, link 3B, release C, d.3C, 3C, tandem
corner: any combo in [4],6C, d.3C, link 2C (or 3C doesnt matter), tandem.
a fancier setup in the corner is: j.anything + charge [2], land, 2A.2C, 8C, 2C, d.3C, [1]A,1A,1C, 6C, d.3C, 3C, Tandem.
those are all from the bbc tutorial btw ^^
man fun stuff filthyrich we gotta play more often sorry i missed out on the second set i promised some friends eariler today id play with them in some left 4 dead
roukyou F sho no prob
i cant promise that ill get back into playing this but ill play you whenever were both on!
i think the last time i played was on 2df
My buttons broke for my Hori and i JUST fixed em up the other day…
so well see how things roll
Geezer just do 9 b with Pol - 90% of the cast CANT do shit against that anyways
Thanks man, I appreciate that. I like that first stand combo, very very nifty. I love that corner combo too, very nice and new to me, i’ll have to practice all my variations later for that. I am thinking of making a complete Polnareff guide or move/combo set. He’s the only character in Jojo’s that i’m remotely good with. I just still haven’t learned all of his stand mode tricks yet.
I know brother…i know… :bgrin:
lol good stuff again filthy lol my sdio did the best outta my whole roster still missed a few setups but oh well its all about the loop variations lol
hey roukyou whats the string you told me to learn with Vanilla?
is it his cr A1, cr A1, fwd A2 > qcb + A chain or something different (there again apart from his chain combos thats the only other one i know)
2A,2A, 6B, tandem probably.
He has two strings that are pretty important:
his tandom linking one is cr A1, cr A1 fwd a2 ~ tandom (do any imputs) then use your own ender
the over head one is cr A1, cr A1 fwd a3 ~ qcb a1 (from what filthy told me you have to negative edge it for it to be landed properly
also a good wake up high low (when the opponent has no gauge) is qcb a1 followed with cr a1 which you can link to the tandom combo cr A1, cr A1 fwd a2 ~ tandom
you better do 2A,2A,6C, 214B or C.
214A has the shortest range. also, neg edge isn’t required, but might help depending on your style. i do it without.
yea on that i have issues its almost like i have to mash it in for it to land 10% of the time lol
I negative edge like, every single special input. its helped me tremendously in being more consistant on things like ices forward + a3 qcb, jotaro bnb’s, etc etc etc.
I highly recommend at least experimenting with it for this game =D
I really wish more of you peeps played on GGPO. The delay on 2DF just kills it for me. :sad: