I’m off to a tournament at my “local” arcade for Guilty Gear Accent Core. The saturday after that is another tournament and the saturday after that is my job. NO!!!
I’ll be there after that, but I’m scared everyone will be too good by then ;.; At least there’s a greater challenge. Anyways, Happy New Years to all of you.
anyways how the hell do you get so many hits in a tandem combo, cos i was messing around with Vanilla and i got like 58 hits but now i can only get 30 ish hits out so im kinda confused
Your placing way to much emphasis on the # of hits during the tandem.
The main chunks of dmg come from the pre and post tandem parts, not the tandem dmg its self. Sure, getting more hits during tandem adds overall dmg, (near 1 dmg per hit if you combo’d into it for the most part) but at the cost of not knowing exactly how many hits your gonna have, to time the finisher part.
3 - 4 reps of a1, a2, a3 is more than enough under normal circumstances.
aqualung - V.Ice will easily do more damage as long as you can get more reps in during tandem. But instead of a-b-c CBA works to get more meaty hits in.
going back and forth with also grab about 60 hits (tandem alone)
Damage scale will always be the same. With characters like ICE personally i aim to get about 60-90 hits with the tandem and it always leaves them with less than 10% health.
Dio, Jotaro would use tandem to link into specials and/or resets or more into flashy combos.
abbacio - use his airdash cancels as overheads, for string interruptions. this will build you bar for tandem. 2a 2a 4b Tandem is pretty simple to block so force mixups with the overhead
(jump-tandem cancel overhead)
iced is a very good char to pick up for a start but dont disregard learning crouch canceling, dashbuffering and in/out tandem strings for max damage.
also 4c HCB p is key for all iced users, so dont sleep on it.
lol, yeah I know more hits = more dmg XD I may not be the best player ever, but atleast give me some credit here haha.
Abbacio (mortum) is just picking up the character, I didnt want to tell him to do as many hits as possible, because the inconsistancy of the # of hits make learning the finishing parts that much more difficult imo.
60 - 90 hits on the tandem part alone? and just using b c? … are you doing that on dc version with the longer input window? just curious.
Only seen that much dmg watching Nao play ice, and he does hcb a bunch during the tandem so he can get more a1 hits in. Hes also considered (or was?) the best ice player there is.
and yeah, I personally use cr b c for his tandem combos, I just used abc in my post as a more generic tandem that most characters can use and simple to learn with, since most characters cant just use b c like ice.
spot on about dash buffering and cc’n, stuff is usefull for most everyone.
about ice: i use ABC x5 and vs. crouch 2A2B2C x 5. didnt even know you could do it in reverse order.
as an ender i use d.5A or 6A, hold forward, 6SA,s.B,s.C, hold forward, S~6C, 236 + 2 attacks.
finally some nice, juicy info in this thread i can use
haven’t even heard about NAO, did he take part in the usual tournaments (you know, all the jap sites we probably all know etc.), if so, i gotta search my archive.
edit: turns out i dont have any matchvids of him. searched nico for “NAO”, found a nao who plays akatsuki and that weird sengoku period card game, but no jojo vids.
edit2: youtube yielded better results. even found nao playing jotaro on our hardedgeofficial account, cant believe i dont have those vids
what do you mean by: (jump-tandem cancel overhead) ?
Much appreciated AtTheGates. I’ve been looking for Dio In Akiba stuff to learn more Dio stuff. My new goal is to be able to take on roukyou without any mercy from him. He laughed when he heard I won the 4th ranbat on 2df ;.;
I am able to understand where aqualung is going with his little talk on tandems. It’s easier and more consistent to do shorter tandems. It’s better to start that way and slowly increase the number of hits into a tandem. Before I started to do 5 reps of ABC before I was able to do 8 to 9 reps of ABC, but I wasn’t able to be consistent getting the 9 reps. After a period of time sitting out from JJBA, I would choose to do 7 reps since it’s more consistent. I dunno if lots of reps for Dio is good with damage proration and decreasing damage of upcoming hits. I think it’s good since every hits (even outside the tandem) looks like they do 1 damage after 5 reps.
Dio with his Stand on is weird, it’s like a different character. I only able to grasp the standing A3 as a good anti-air, doing c.A1 to get them pokes and hits, and QCB+A x2 for combos and some damage.
s.5B is an awesome poke, you can use it repeatedly (do NOT use 6B, funny bug, move looks the same way, does the same damage, but a lot less stand gauge damage).
use d.s.2A, tandem to punish anything that happens relatively close (and is punishable of course)
pressure string: d.s.2A, link s.5A, d.s.2B, link s.5A and so on
forget about stand dio’s air normals for jump-ins, their angle is way too high. they are better for air-to-air or combos.
edit: by the way, i just had the best jojo session on ggpo ever, french player called cocoguts. knows all the little tricks, has a perfect understanding of the gameplay (how to punish what etc) and plays a crapload of characters on a serious level.
the combo is:
tandem, ((([mash 2C,2B,2A or any other button combination that is fastest for you,], [214 slide C,B,A]x4, A,B,C))) -> vanilla: dash, roll, 5AxN, at the end: d.A, walk cancel SA,B,C, S~C, 236 + 2 attacks. you could also do another 6C, 214C loop, but those are so hard that it’s probably best to stick to an easy ender.
we had a special jojo ranbat @ the middle-german ranking battle yesterday.
since subarashii finally got his japanese CPSIII jojo, we could actually play the whole ranbat on a cab. there isn’t much footage except some pics and this vid i made:
Who here downloaded the jjba clips from jojo.sakura.ne.jp?
I like the music that was playing in those. Especially the ones from “Osaka Polnareff” and “Osaka Kyouhu”.
Anyone know the names of the songs used? I think they even had the title at the beginning of the video, but it’s all in japanese.