The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!


What does that stand for?

Oh, and btw, when I say clips, I meant those digest videos.

more than a couple of them used music from valkyrie profile IIRC,

at least the battle theme, the boss theme and like the cave-ish theme

SSH is a japanese band that does metal covers of game music.+

I know im late, but i dl’ed JBA to use with an emulator, and i like it alot. I want to practice on my ps2 though. Is anyone selling a jap ps2 version of the game. Or know where i can find an image? PM me. thanks

there is no ps2 version.
the best version for consoles is the dreamcast version.
ps1 version is a terrible mashup of jojo1 and jojo2, the chars are based on their old versions (missing moves), but the new chars are still there. bizarre indeed.

Man, looks like everyone is stepping it up! I need to get back online with this game, its alot of fun. Im gonna try to get it to work on my ps3 so I can practice a little too before I get back on.

Is 2df still a good spot to play or has everyone moved to ggpo?

on ps3? do you mean a ps1 version on ps3? better get a new FBA version with cheats for unlimited health & time.

i guess the community is split up between 2df and ggpo.

Man, that sucks. I thought this was the jap version.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
Plus i saw JBA 2, any good?

I ment via emu on linux.

there’s a way to emulate dreamcast or cps3 on ps3? if there is, please tell me. i assumed you were talking about ps1->ps3
Gotta get linux on it first. Then get the emu’s on is a whole nother hurdle.


Halfro you gotta get on this saturday and show me that Jotaro. I am tryin to pick him up, and have been dyin to play you these last few weeks. :wgrin:

Lots of hdr the last couple but, my stick is broken right now so, I gotta fix that first. I doubt it will be done by saturday :sweat::sad::looney::annoy:

COME BACK TO US DADDY!!! We miss you on 2df.

Crack kills bro. :rofl:

that one is the story of Dio’s son Gio and the other one is also an adventure game of arc 2
lol wondered where you went half but yea its kinda divided at the gates dunno why but some how it is even tho right now its a small community

Hey guys thanks for coming out, even though meteor could not make it to the tourney I stepped up and ran a little one for fun. Here are the brackets and in case you guys just want to know now, ryukendenx won! :party: Congratulations man! Very tough fights.

awww nice try, Geezer.

that guy’s still a dick though.

i’m pissed i missed it~

what characters were used?

most likely lots of anub pol and hol XD

but i really dont know, i wasnt there