about the tandem on dc version thing. i found that out myself, but meanwhile, i’m not 100% sure anymore. the BBC tutorials are all definitely possible on arcade as well from my experience.
welllllllllllllllllllllllllll, thats not quite right =P
we checked, but i think we just couldnt do it correctly haha.
i mean, look at all those hq jojo videos of joseph. they land it like 100% of the time, so i think its all about execution baybay~!
ill try to look for you on 2df sometime geeeeezer, playing to much coh ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
10 seconds later edit: OOOO, and about tandems on dreamcast!
I think the only ones that are longer time duration for inputs, are the active stand tandems (polmaster, jotaro, kakyoin etc)
the weapon stand guys (joseph etc) seems the length, back somewhere in this thread theres a few posts that explain how its done =D
Damn you apple and your COH! You guys better be there tomorrow for the 2df Jojo’s tourney. Don’t let me get first place guys!
World Wide Jojo’s Tourney on 2dfighter
really sorry about last week again guys, and unfortunately i gotta wake up super early tomorrow so I can’t play this one… bahh
good luck to everyone, i’ll be sure to spread the hype when I can!
Eventually I’ll be able to join you guys, but until then I’ll just keep lurking…
you know what, screw it
yeah im kinda excited
anyway a question about jotaro seeing as i wanna pick him up soon, f.A2 is used as a combo starter right and im guessing its used as a general poke, what others does he have?
edit: yo Leebee we need to play again sometime 'cos i dunno the match we had was kinda killed by lag and your weird keyboard lol. The result willl most likely be the same but i dunno there was something missing from that match.
Merry christmas and all that crap, hope the holidays are good for everyone.
Same to you Mr. roadapple. Gonna be off the 2df (hopefully) for a good little while till i get a job or some shit. I will pop in for the occasional tournaments on saturday thanks to meteor man. Last night was awesome, and congratulations Cyber34 for coming in 1st! :woot:
yea sorry i had to go out that night i wanted to play too
http://2dfighter.com/forums/t/1454.aspx Worldwide JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure RANBAT 3 Saturday, December 27th, 2008 8:00 PM EST NO CHRISTMAS EXCUSES
this message copy pasta’d to you by the gingers in need association
Is there a RANBAT every Saturday now or something? Hopefully I can make it to this one.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza or Happy Holidays to everyone. If I don’t show up again for a while, Happy New Years to you all too.
yeah every saturday ^^.
and thanks for reminding me Merry Christmas everyone
Sorry guys, might not be able to make it to this tourney, grandmother wants me to visit her for most of the day. Mort, you can always IM if you got a question. I should be on AIM all day with my phone. Good luck to all participants, lets see if Cyber34 can keep his title.
so close leebee!
good try mate!
fucking hol! :lol:
next time i won’t be too proud to counterpick~
oh yeah if you guys want to see a more epic replay, you should check out the first one between Dyne and me
M3t30r Man beat me again >.< but next week i think its ORA ORA time XD and well done Mr Dyne ^.^
That Ranbat yesterday was great, too bad I couldnt join. Maybe next week.
Ugh I’m such a scrub at this game though lol.