The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Id play but seeing i refuse to install sp2 i can’t play 2df which means GGPO is my only way to go for me.

TOURNEY!!! Its on 2df but who knows, maybe if your a ggpo player they can hop on ggpo. :wgrin:

Again, one of those times I wish I could jump on 2df. Laptop + 2df = ftl.

i play on my laptop and it plays pretty fine


Fine…be that way…

haha i’m just kidding around dude. I mean feel free to enter; if there’s a problem with the connection you can always back out during the tourney.

btw, the first time he uses the world, dio technically says “Tokiyo tomare!” and then "soshite toki wa ugoki dasu?

(what you hear in the game as well)

Regarding “what Dio says”, I was curious what he says during his intro pose against the Jostars?

I read the manga and in it he says “are you looking at me again?”

But I really can’t make out what he says in the game at all. It happens against Y.Joseph in [media=youtube]dRDHr6PKz2M[/media] and sometimes during O.Joseph’s intro pose with the television screen displaying Dio.

Anyone know? JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure RANBAT 1, Saturday, December 13th, 5:00 P.M. EST Register please :slight_smile: WRYYYYYYYYYYYY copy pasta ftw

mortum in the house! This is ur ole buddy roadapple, cool to see you around here =D

ps, i wont be attending =D good luck !

oh man I wish I was competent at this game so I could join in!

yo roadapple ^^ you need to get on 2df some more so we can play again its been too long.

Not many people showed up for the tourney but i came 2nd :slight_smile: got trashed by a Vanilla player _.

awwwww damn. sounded like i would have got the chance to come in first. yeah i’m getting cocky lol. anyone wanna post the full results?

You must defeat Gamegeezer to stand a chance. :rofl: Results please? :woot:


Do sign up because meteor man wants this to be big and i’ll be helping him this time around. It’s on 2df again, and all the details lay in this link. Hope everyone can make it coughLeebeeRoadappleDiocough

Thank you all that showed up for comin on by, we didn’t have enough players for a bracket so we did a round robin here are the results.

1st: Cyber34 4-0 -Vanilla Ice

2nd: Mortum 3-1 Hol Horse, Black pol

3rd: M3t30r Man 2-2 Y.Jojo, Black pol

4th: Rob 2_0: 1-3 Dio

5th: Nstalkie 0-4 Abdul

i <3 copy pasta

Something that bothered me though was that Char was there and after bragging about how he’s gonna be using auto fire and infinites with petshop a few days ago, he didnt bother to play._

Meh oh well EVERYONE show up next time :D.

p.s a quick question does shadow dio quote kenshiro in his taunt? “Omae wa mo Shindeiru”??

Sorry about last night guys, I got stuck in an elevator and didn’t make it home till 7:30 in the morning.

hope it went well though~ :shake: :sad:

Alright, way to go Cyber34. Didn’t know he joined in too. I wonder if his Vanilla is even more better than before. Either way, i wanna see yall at the next one, this sounds like its gonna be the bomb. ’

Poor Leebee >.< You pressed all the buttons didn’t you man? :rofl:

Poor leebee. How did you even manage to kill time while you were in the elevator. I’m guessing you spent like 10 hours in there unless this happened in Sweden.

Cyber34? I don’t remember playing him or seeing him

damn Leebee that really sucks :frowning:

I’d never heard of Cyber34 until he joined saturday, but his Vanilla is pretty decent, I couldnt get the distance i needed against him and for some reason I froze when he used his QCB + AA super :frowning: I really need to learn to roll out of the way of that attack plus I didn’t have my ps3 pad but an old clunky Ps1 analog pad, I really don’t remember them being that heavy.

On a lighter note my Joseph trainings going pretty well, just need to get my timing down for the hermit web to 360 at the end of a tandem.

Yeah, Cyber34 rarely gets on but he plays a nice Vanilla.

I thought that wasn’t comboable o.O??? Maybe i’ll try that later lol. :rofl: But i’m sure its not comboable, me and apple checked.

well the BBC(?) combo vids suggest that it is :wonder: There again it might only be possible on the dreamcast ver. 'cos i wondered how he was getting so many hits on the first tandem combo only to realise that tandems are longer on the dreamcast ver. I’m not to sure but i think the link is something like Stand + s.A1, A3 -> hermit web -> b.A1 -> 360 but ive not been able to get the tandem hermit web to stand + A1. Meh i’ll try some more when i get the ps3 pad back of my mate.

edit: i just kept my tandem combo going while my stand guage was 0 and i dont know how i did it D: T_T