It didn`t look like in plain sight. I thought the person always just tapped or did the dash just long enough to maximize the hit stun of the upcoming c.A1
Strangely, this is news to me, despite doing that very same technique to do the Polnareff “infinite”. Perhaps because he’s a charge character so naturally, down back is what i’m going to be doing to get them hits in while charging so its like i am dash canceling without realizing it. Well this should help my dio game out by quite a bit. I plan to get on 2df later today, maybe if i’m not playing HD Remix.
Hey guys; been slacking in my play lately because
a. actually trying to get some good final grades here before i leave,
b. getting ready to go back to my old university is proving to be annoying with registration, and
c. most of the time i’ve been on 2df i’ve been playing a lot of SUPER TURBOOOOO (gonna get DAT HD REMIX when i get home)
@Dio hahaha i can try to translate some stuff… although I was under the impression that those same people (JoJo Project) who did Stone Ocean would continue with SBR; I know there was some other group working on it, but they were being slow as FUCK last time i checked… (Stardust Crusaders?)
I’ll be on tonight (get yo asses on!); at the very least I can cheer on Geezer later :lol:
anyways, fight on fellow stand users; and remember…
Leebee: sounds like you have been having it tight lately. Good luck to you getting back to your old university.
If you ever do the translation, that’ll be nice. Don’t translate SBR since JoJo Project might be doing it like you said. If you are going to translate something, I guess retranslating part 4. It feels incomplete with all weird left overs and pieces here and there.
Which console are you getting for STHD Remix? Me and gamegeezer got it for the PS3. My PSN is C-2ndPlayer and gamegeezer’s is gamegeezer9166. Hope to be seeing you again. I’m on a break now from school. I’ll be back and kicking next Thursday.
Geezer: It is news to me. I would have never realized it if it weren’t for AtTheGates. It’s great that you play a charge character and able to pull off the combos. I always thought JJBA was a bitch with it’s tight link when I haven’t realized it was a small simple thing. I can almost do the combo now, I have trouble timing the active stand a1 into c.a1, I’m either too far away or too slow. Once I can get that down, I’ll have a solid game and kick even more ass.
Peace my brothers, I’ll be seeing you guys later.
you have to do a dashing crouching A after the stand A. That’s the hardest part of the combo by far.
lol i keep fallin off the jjba sceen for some reason but damn i keep seeing all these new ppl pop up outta no where might as well get back on topic tryin to get the hang of comboing from stand on to off any tips out there?
yeah man, comboin from stand on --> stand off is one of the things that has eluded me for a long ass time. New kakyoin for instance, has like 1 way to combo into tandem from stand on mode, and it involves stand on --> stand off situation.
You guys are crazy going for stand on and stand off combos. Why not keep it simple but also damaging. Unless the stand on and off combos are effective and worth it, that’s different.
On a side note, it feels odd having 2 JJBA threads. It’s like segregation, 2df players here and GGPO on the other. I feel like contributing to the other one, but I don’t have time right now with school. I might later on, and I gotta work on that stupid wiki I promised.
well i ask cause i want to improve i know alot of the bnbs from sitting and watching alot of the vids and practicing it i just would like to have more knowledge on it
Its way nicer for newer players to get info from =D. This thread doesnt have any regular contributions =P, its just random totally casual posts.
Easier to get info = more possible players in my mind, so win win win baby!
@tehgatez, have any magic words of wisdom for stand on to stand off links?
Ok i have been trying to get the first combo in [media=youtube]-pm-g0xRVGU&feature=related[/media] video down and i made it up to where you get stand out with A1 + S, and the last hit right before tandem (cr. A1) never connects because dio is not close enough and even if i try it outside of that combo, even just dashing in A1, forward + A1 + S, down + A1 --> tandem (A1, A2, A3) X n just doesn’t work because the down + A1 --> tandem doesn’t link at all :sad: What am i doing wrong? Or am i just not fast enough?
i explained it a page earlier =)
you have to do dashing crouching stand A after the standing stand A.
hardest part of the combo.
Is not the same as
or :r::r::db:-A1
You must end the dash first by crouching in order to perform a neutral crouching A1.
This matters a lot for characters like Dio and S.Dio. c.A1 A3 is a very easy link for both Dio and S.Dio, but while-dashing(sliding) c.A1 A3 is not even possible for either character because while-dash c.A1 is less advantage.
A lot of move properties change in general too. R.Soul’s c.A3 is a sweep, but his while-dashing c.A3 does not sweep. And there are many other examples of different move properties even though the moves look the same.
i guess we cleared that up before xenozip, but thx for the detailed explanation.
for the end of the dio combo i suggest doing f,f,df, s.A (stand A), just before the tandem.
There are a lot of overlooked things in this thread.
I wish I was able to access the wiki or I would catalog a lot of it. But alas, all I can do is post on my blog, which is much too ghetto.
My apologies man, i thought you were discussing how to connect a dash in cr. A1 to another cr. A1. Next time i’ll try to read more carefully whats going on, i’m sorry. Thanks for telling me. :lovin:
Thanks to you to Xenozip, i was experimenting last night and figured out not much could be done with dashing in down+forward+A1 although i was completely unaware that dashing in down+A1 is different from dashing in down+back+A1. Thanks a lot guys, i’ll try to read more carefully from now on. :wonder:
rushes off to training mode
I don’t feel like you need to apologize for overlooking something in a thread. I mean, a thread really isn’t a proper repository/catalog of information.
Things like this need to be in wiki or website or something.
I did make a lot of overview type posts in my blog (October/November) but I don’t think it will be of much help, it’s very scattered and unorganized and unthorough.
You do realize I made a NEW( organized) thread for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for this very purpose,right?!:looney:
Anyways,I’ll add this to the Q&A list in the organized thread.
Nope. I pretty much only pay attention to my subscriptions these days, so I didn’t know (I don’t browse).
Dangit, one of you get on 2df right now and play me, i’m so bored @_@. I’ve been practicing that Dio trick and yes its fucking hard. I’ll get it down eventually, i am gonna be at it for a while today. In the meantime i am taking jojo’s matches.