The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

nice post =P

I think I may have to do some messing around with her!

Aqua: This is up in Skokie, but he hasn’t had a gathering of people in a few months. It should also be noted that the match was a “once in a blue moon” sort of thing. I just happened to have my copy on me, they just happened to let me throw it in, we just happened to play. There’s no scene for it out here.

Geezer: At the time, I considered Jojo’s the only fighter that I was “good” at, but seeing these vids, I realize I’m just as bad at it as other games like Marvel, CvS2, etc. I would love to jump on 2df with you guys, but I don’t have a stick for it, and the only computer is a laptop that isn’t mine. I would love to learn though, mains being Avdol, Jotaro, Kakyoin (in order), plus I’ve messed around with every other character except Black Polnareff, and the hidden characters.

And no, I haven’t gotten better, but I haven’t gotten worse either.

right on man =P

we should just get together sometime for a day full of matches.

I know a good chunk of abdul stuff, and im sure i could show you some usefull things.

No excuse. I play keyboard and I manage to hold out good. I can put up a match with anyone on 2df and still win. You don’t really need a stick all the time. For the laptop part… just sneak it.:wgrin:

Haha, fair enough. I’ll see what I can do, although work also tends to cut into time, but not that bad.

We’ll be seeing you SRX. Some of us are busy as well. I’m in university, halfro is a dad from what I remember, and most of us has jobs. It’s all about planning and trying to find out when people want to play. If you are interested, I might be available almost anytime after Dec 10 if you want some simple training and tutorials. It’s not guaranteed that I will be but most likely. Just make sure you can host.

The same goes for you DarkHiryuu if you are reading this.

Damn you! Host so you can teach me some Dio stuff >.<

Haha, I’ll try. I don’t even know IF I can host or not. Also, my interwebs at home are lame, in that it’s not wireless, so if people call, there goes the connection. All in all, I’ll try my best to set it up.

See you guys there then!

I will try to host GameGeezer, but I’m busy at the moment. I’m busy by the fact I have to study and read up for my upcoming tests. Even though I have time to play, but by the time I do, I can’t contact my ISP for help. THOSE BASTARDS!!! I wouldn’t mind teaching you Dio. That reminds me… I gotta work on the wiki. I haven’t touched it in a long time…

SRX: You should get a filter for your phoneline. Don’t use wireless internet because it can slow down and cause lag. Nice AV, would have been cool if you did the frozen tornadoes in the air that continue motion upon time resume.

And for anyone interested in the JJBA manga. Part 1 to part 6 is fully translated and complete. It’s so sad when I reach the end… no more JoJo until Part 7 starts being scanlated. LEEBEE GO TRANSLATE FOR US!!!

Also, mad props to aqualung aka RoadApple. Those were great games and you were beastingly awesome with Young Joseph. Stupid spinning balls of doom!!!

If anyone knows how to make bracket maker brackets viewable once you make them on the net, i wouldn’t mind hosting a tourney next week or something. It would be fun to have everyone online again and playin. Although next time i’ll try to cut out those who are holding us up.

And what i mean by viewable, is like you make a bracket after logging in to BM then once your done people can see the updates online by refreshing while you put down the tourney results. I wasn’t able to figure that crap out last time i did the tourney, so if anyone could let me know, i will put together a little tourney. :wink:

I’ll try and get a filter or something. Been trying to figure SOMETHING out, considering I also wanted to try and get my XBox Live going. And thanks. I thought about freezing them, but was worried it would make the file bigger then restrictions allow. Hell, this one is probably just barely making it. :rofl:

yeah good games Dio, i was super happy that our game played so fluidly!

alessy and young joseph are my guilty pleasures ; ; i should just try to focus on playing abdul, but i got teh fighting game a.d.d or something.

EDIT: im around for some matvches on 2df if anyone has time / is free.

I’m having some problems getting down Kakyoin BnB combos.I’m having problems dashing after: C.LA,C.LA,dash, off) XX custom combo and dashing in the middle of a combo.In 28 seconds into the video Kakyoin does : (with stand on ) S.LA,SLA,Dash in,S.LA,S.LA,S.HA(1hit)xx custom combo.


I’m really trying to get into this game, but it’s hella hard if anyone doesn’t give me any help!hHow do they cancel the LA into a dash and continue on the combos?:sad:

the example of 28 seconds in, all it really requires is precision with your inputs. i tried it out as i was reading this, and its fairly easy, wish new kakyoin had a way to get into tandems from stand on like this =P.

i dont think anyone really plays kakyoin, so not alot of tips other than that swell video you refrenced, and match videos of course.

my general tip, precise execution.

Edit: ok the example thats 28 seconds in, isnt super easy =P, but its not super hard either. If you are not comboing the 3rd a1, you just have to do it faster =D

Yeah what aqualung said. Most characters have very strict timing for links making some combos very difficult. I have it hard with Dio, how on earth am I going do make the dash in c.A1 and connect the next c.1 on time. I swear that’s a 1 or 2 frame link.

In reality (at least on 2df) big crazy combos aren’t that important. Yes you can dish out some big damage, gain a bar (which I do with my tandem =D) or both. There are other ways to victory such as unblockable attacks, grabs, pokes, and etc.

huh? with dio you just cancel your dash. input a dash, then hold down/back, A - that way a normal 2A comes out that easily links into another 2A or anything else.

Well, i’ve been talking to a top Dio player(AttheGates) on ggpo, about how little info it really is out there on jojo’s and with his permission, I’m going to start translating their German jojo’s Wiki.Now, I Don’t know German, so I’ll be using online translators.:wonder:

When I’m done, I’m going to ask a mod if it’s alright to make a new jojo’s thread.The problem with this thread is the fact anything that is important about this game is all over the place.So if i could make a new thread, i’ll have EVERYTHING important in the first or second post.:wgrin:

Ok.I’ll keep trying.

Edit: Hi AtTheGates! Good to see you posting in the thread.


Now I can finally do some of these combos

I think the same applies for what AtTheGates said to you. and link to the German wiki. We don’t need to make a new thread, just edit the current wiki we have for JJBA.


Yeah it’s the same for S.Dio. It’s [A3, S, dash c.A1 (not dashing/sliding 3A)]xN

Maybe no one said it because it was in plain sight? :o

That’s one of the reason why i plan on making a new thread.Info like this should be known by anyone that is interested in picking up this game.