The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Man no one on jojo’s in 2df thats available @_@ Oh well, its better than that single japanese guy on ggpo who was away :rofl: I’m trying to make my way back into the scene :woot:

about GGPO: all depends on the time of day i guess. we have 2-4 german jojo players daily, and there should also be some good westcoast people playing depending on the time of day.

personally i’d never play 2df, 3 frames of input lag with jojo? no way. combos are among the hardest i’ve ever learned already.

Yeah that is so true. Everyone else is either playing other games or declining challenges for JJBA. It sucks that everyone is like this. I have a feeling people are busy or everyone hates playing with me on JJBA =( My Dio skills are going to be obsolete and I won’t have a chance to use my Joseph anymore. I MUST FORWARD MY PORTS!!!

It’s nice to know that halfro is still there and plays with me :woot: you rule halfro:woot:

ill be back been working and fornacating but ill be back

I’m gonna try to pick up a convertor for this and learn mariah. I only play chaca and jojo at the moment. Any tips?

edit: uhhhh ok then.


this is pretty much her entire game.

I know the basics to jojo’s, I’m just looking for mariah tips.

Warlock, I’ll have a Mariah writeup for you shortly

(in other news, sorry i haven’t been on like at all guys, rents took the comp away because i kept getting home really fucking late :lol:)

Yeah so everyone is still alive!!!

Yes we are, now get on 2df! :rofl:

lmao youngsters ya’kno?

y not play on ggpo?I thought 2df(jojo and 3rd) had delay…


Why so sad roadapple?

From what i heard ggpo has delay for jojo’s and 3s. 2df might lag if two players have high pings to each other, but on the ideal ping amount/connection there is little to no lag and especially no delay. I have no issues with ggpo other than it won’t allow me to actually play a game but it will allow me to spectate which is jibberish. I might see how thats able to happen but god, it makes no sense at the moment. :shake:

I agree about the GGPO spectate thing but no game play. I’m not sure about delay in input but I can still get my links working for Joseph and I know many other people can. halfro,, deadlyneo-rave, all the anubis polnareff players, etc.

Off topic, it’s 4:30 am in my area and I’m still full of energy. I blame coffee, it was the first time I ever drank a full cup.

GGPO always seems great to me. I can generally hit my links pretty damn accurately.



the hypest matches ever

Those matches were awesome. Two questions: 1) What the hell does the announcer say before he says “Fight”?

  1. Out of Jotaro/Dio, who’s the better choice for a beginning player?

Damn, i had no idea Dioinakiba was that damn good. The first link had me trippin balls, how could that level of epicness be put into just one bout!? I NEED GGPO TO WORK! :amazed:

@Snatcher: I think Jotaro is a good start for you. Just keep in mind, everybody and they momma uses him, and most know how to play against him, but if you need help learning the basics of the game, hit me up on 2df, i’m Gamegeezer there. Assuming you can host that is…