The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

oc.a2 = crouch cancel?

Also I didn’t realize those were kara’s I thought they were just links into the stand attack… like dio’s cr.a x2. st.a+s

oc = offensive crouching. Down+foward.

Her down+foward A2 is her slide kick. Which is different from her c.A2 (H.Priestess does a jab like 3S Remy c.MP).

I’m just using the word “kara” loosely. I only consider them a kara because you’re technically instantly canceling the stand activation animation with an attack by pushing 2 buttons at once. Which, I guess is a little convoluted since the activation animation is freely cancelable anyway. You’re not actually canceling anything other than the stand activation.

Like, I apologize for the number notation but here’s what I actually do with Midler
663A 3A 3B 236S (as in forward forward down+toward+A1-A1-A2 qcf+S)
or 663A 2A 2S+A 2B 5C (forward forward down+toward+A1 down+A1-S+A1-A2 neutral A3)


hey sorry been really busy guys

I’ll be on more often pretty soon (this weekend prolly)



Man, this weekend felt so dead, there were people barely online. I gave up learning Jotaro for now and started learning Joseph. Man, that old guy kicks ass and I love his combo capabilities. I gotta find out a way to do the the 360 motion on keyboard though…

I been busy downloading things and hanging out with mah homeboys. Oooh, i gotta show you some funny stuff with joseph, no wait i can’t host fuck @_@ Well just look up some videos of mine when i played people as joseph. He’s got this really kool jump in grab that gets people about 90% of the time if done right. :rofl: Although keyboard is really killing you brother, you need a pad in order to further yourself competitively. I used to play on keyboard and now that i play on pad i am much better. Definitely invest in one. If you got a ps3/xbox 360 controller lying around, use that.

EDIT: Phil you play jojo’s man? Next time we get together lets go a few rounds man. I got DC copy of that game, although no secret characters. Try to make it to mickel’s if he has another get together. I’ll bring it then.

wtf you mean no secret characters geez?

just beat survival mode with +insert character here+

Is the correct answer Hol? :sweat:

Just burn a Dream Explorer disc. Full saves ftw.

Insert character here = josephe / dio / kakyoin / etc etc etc dont remember who exactly to be honest lol. im sure its on gamefaqs or “insert website for random information on games here” haha

or just do whatever dood sed.

But really, you can just sweep over and over again and win with any one in survival mode. Takes maybe half an hour at most to unlock everyone.


Yeah i know bro, i was being silly >.< Doubt its hard to go far in survival mode, the computer can’t even beat my standing fierces in a match. :rofl:

I recently found my old copy and trying to get into it more.

I’m running Alessy, Devo, and Hol Horse.

We can definitely get together and play sometime. My brother plays as well. He uses Chaka.

Man, GGPO is wayy better for hitting links thank 2df. I actually got avdol links a few times, which is nice. Though I still lost. I much to focused on combos in this game and not on strategy. I really need to figure it out.

Also Shadown Dio jump A2 and stand a2 are amazing antiairs.

It seems the 2df scene for JJBA been dying or on the low recently. Hard to find people now and many people seem to be declining challenged :frowning: I hope I can get some good ones in by Monday night.

Probably just everyone switching to GGPO or IMs.

Personally I still use IRC and AIM for playing against the same two people as usual.

Just a reminder, Jojo’s tourney on GGPO in 3 hours.

You guys have tournies for this? Fuck! I need GGPO!!! I wanna see if my Avdol is any good…and Jojo and Dio for that matter XD

gah another illinoian in here!


Dude, cool! So, where in central IL are you Aqua?

Also hit up 2df as well, since there are new players joining the game and some of them are growing fast. There are also some exclusive good players on 2df that can’t play on GGPO

Quick question about GGPO, do both players need to forward their port, or is one player with a forwarded port good enough, like how things are runned on 2df.