The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

do 1f links always work then? I can get it pretty consistently offline, just fudge it up online alot…

^ Doesn’t look like negative edge applies to normal inputs.

Maybe you have magic fingers?

I dunno, S.Dio c.A1 to A3 is a 3F link.

O.Jo c.A1 to c.A2 (with CC) is a 4F link (if you can call that a “link”). And O.Jo c.A1 to A2 is a 3F link.

Hol Horse c.A1 to A2 is a 2F link. :xeye:

gah, i can do the hol horse link nearly everytime I try it.

That 1 extra frame makes a huge difference i guess ; ;

Then how about you add another frame.

Hol Horse A1 to CC A2 is a 3F link. So you can do c.A1 A1 (tap down) A2 instead of c.A1 c.A1 A2.

Also Hol’s A1 CC to back+A3 is a 2F link. Kinda interesting. You can kara that move as soon as the bullet leaves the gun which lets you combo qcf+A3 if you time it right. It’s also possible off the second hit. So c.A1 A1 CC b+A3 qcf+A3 is a possible combo.

Where are you getting your frame data from? Just checking it through mame?

Hey guys i was just wondering its been a while and what ever happened to roukyou? Is he ok? I’m kinda worried now that i’m thinking about it, he never did come back. =/

i saw him on 2df earlier today

i think he was playing jojo’s with someone at some point


Oh ok, at least he’s still alive lol. I thought he died or something seeing as how he never responded after that night :xeye: I wonder why he never did anything that night though =(

NFBA actually, but yeah.

I know my methods are valid because I’ve compiled entire sheets for SS5sp before, only to find all the data for all characters already transcribed on a Japanese site, and the data matched.

I’m not really interested in transcribing data for Jojo’s though. Even if I could access the wiki.

[Edit]: Any of you East Coasters use AIM?

Not interested!!! what? hahah. Jk. Its cool, it’d be better to have someone translate this jap site I found a longggg time ago that has lots of info about how to do certain tandem combos and other such system minutia, but nki said it was really slang heavy and hard to understand. : (

We could probably translate it a lot better than he could if there’s a ton of slang. Certainly he knows a lot more than we do, but I find that when there’s slang involved you kind of need to do some trial and error testing and educated guessing.

Frame data is only important in very isolated situations anyway. Rough estimates are better for everything else. You could as well replace numbers with words for a lot of things.

Oh, does anyone other than Mariah have a ground overhead (not counting Jojo or Chaka rekkas)?

I know Ice’s stand move is. Is Midlers?

Damn, I leave the thread alone for the day and I see all these posts. Well, gg to DeadlyRave, nice Dio mirrors. I gotta get better now since someone’s trying to take my Dio “throne” lol. I started learning Jotaro just to get better at linking and holy shit. I notice Jotaro’s easy damage capabilities and crazy pressure he has with the finger. It’s really hard to play on keyboard so I should really get a stick or a pad.

I also gotta make a confession, I had to do a small “macro” key for AAA since my keyboard doesn’t allow more than 3 or cetrain keys to be pressed together. I don’t cheat and do macro combos, I just need that macro button or else my game would severly suffer.

Links are really hard to learn, any tips and data on attack frames. I really need to get the timing for mad damage. Then I can say “O YOU MAD!?!?!?!?!!” to my opponent.

Crazy Glitch Vid: [media=youtube]ASO5apu3ZM0[/media]

I like the last one

Midlers weight drop thing is an overhead afaik.

Well now.

I’m half tempted to pick up Midler in lieu of Y.Jojo then. Which would bring the number of characters I play up to 5, which is an acceptable number.

Jotaro has Star Platinum elbow the opponent

Iggy’s Dio sand clone chop is an overhead too

wow, didnt know back + a3 could be linked that way, so cool.

gah, nothing else to add yet ; ;.

Not sure if it’s practical due to the inputs required, but it does look pretty cool. A1 to A2 looks pretty funny too though, he’s like stomping your kneecap or something, lol.

Well, time to go check out Midler.

Hahaha, I got to try out Midler last night in some netplay.

I’m actually starting to like her.

Gotten use to her launch bnb and getting more consistent with her kara bnb.

wait her kara bnb? launch bnb? what are those? My friend plays midler and could def use some help, like her combo into stand rush seems ridiculously hard…

It’s not really hard, just gotta get use to it which doesn’t take too long. They’re just the ones I saw in some match videos.

  • dashing c.A1 c.A1 oc.A2 qcf+S then either j.A or 5B or whatever

  • dashing c.A1 c.A1 c.S+A1 c.A2 A3

The second is her kara bnb, you just push stand and A1 at the same time and she activates into immediate c.A1.

Unfortunately unlike Mariah she can’t use projectiles to set up throw traps because the projectiles are her stand, but overall I think she’s a pretty interesting character. Her unactivated j.B is a pretty silly crossup, her unactivated c.A3 and dashing c.A3 are awesome sweeps that can be special canceled, and her normal and super cars are really freaking good. And her mouth super does a fuckton of damage especially with the activated A3 ender, it’s like mad risky and highly punishable but it can be worth the risk at times, fun stuff.

I’m not really interested in learning her advanced tandem combos, the basic ones seem to be enough since it’s kind of like a normal combo extender.