haha if someone thinks you’re the best Dio, take pride in it
even if you aren’t, just keep playing till you are!
haha if someone thinks you’re the best Dio, take pride in it
even if you aren’t, just keep playing till you are!
Me, halfro, roadapple and Rave are the only good Dio players that I know. Out of us, I’m willing to bet halfro is the best Dio unless his skills went down. I know my skills went up, Rave definitely went up and I haven’t faced his new Dio yet. roadapple, I haven’t seen it recently.
If we are going to be talking about the best, Gamegeezer has the best Polneraff on 2df and has the best Shadow Dio unless filthyrich can top him.
Lol, now thats whats up man! Thats’ how i came to love jojo’s in the first place. hugs psx jojo’s game
Lol, i’m the ONLY Polnareff player on 2df man.
That’s what makes you the best Polnareff player on 2df. I think Dyne has the best Holhorse around. We really gotta make a list here.
I thought roadapple had the best Hol Horse AND Vanilla. :wonder:
I dunno about that then. I’ll make a list and we can all debate like civilized people or shoot each other with laser beams, fire cross and fencing needles.
Jotaro: Halfro
Dio: Halfro
Holhorse: Dyne/roadapple
Vanilla: roadapple
Iggy: FilthyRich (from what I seen so far)
Alessi: FilthyRich
Young JoJo: roadapple/halfro (I think it was one of the two)
Polnareff: GameGeezer
Yeah. Anyways I’m currently learning Shadow Dio because I need to learn both of them to be the recognized Dio player on 2df. Why did I have to pick the username “Dio.” The wiki we have here is awesome, and I think I know who wrote it.
A rather accurate list but we need to get all characters listed, there are many that aren’t up there yet that need to be mentioned. I’ve played just about everybody who is everybody except for filthyrich in jojo’s so i kinda know whats up, just a matter of remembering >.<
Because I can?
Yeah really.
Even I picked up silly games like Soul Calibur just for fun. But there’s nothing wrong with casual gaming, just to burn time… But surely there is a problem with peoples unreasonable expectations for serious players.
dio is the most addicting char ive stumbled on so far.
Insane rushdown and probably the best tandem combo to land in the game.
He’s prolly my fav right now.
I mirrored sajukoros dio (japan) and played a good set.
25-2 j learned way too much dio this weekend!
I only wish more ppl played.
wtf i got the best hol horse hands down hes my main
I recall playing a guy who wanted to learn dio, but really had no idea where to start.
I was talking about him (dio) and his stuff, and I knew that you knew how to get into basic tandems and stuff, so I did point one guy your way to ask questions.
I cant recall the players name, but maybe its from what I sed?
edit: and everyone that plays hol and does the 4 good things he has is the best! Its almost like comparing shadow dios =D j/k. S.dio got alot more shit to learn than hol ever thought of having.
roukyou has just as good of s.dio as 192 btw =D
edit2: O, and the only character I have been putting my effort into for a long while is Abdul. Im prolly better with a few other characters, but Abdul is so slick when that shit is rolling.
saying you’re the best at hol is like saying you can
shoot glass
throw sand
bullet time super
and control shot
the best
leebee wins the internet.
whenever I get on, no one is down to play : ( so I stopped playing and now prolly suck again.
My only problem with shadow dio is that unless you do a dashing cr.A1 first often you won’t be close enough and the stand will whiff.
I wish I could do tandems better with DIO but I have alot of problems consistently get cr.a1 x 2 into qcb+a! oh well.
i play him properly. i can combo and set traps and i even rushdown. besides you spam mariah who is hard to get in close
plus mariah super time sucks against hol horse. Definitely a terrible match for her. No reason to get close since you can stop all her projectiles with yours.
Yeah exactly right, as far as my experience goes atleast. Qcf A pretty much stops a majority of her zoneing / turtle options. Its hard to land sockets to increase the magnatism lvl, so keeping hol in wakeup nastyness becomes a bit harder.
O yeah, and how do people stop people with a good cr dash A1, from comming in and mixing tick throws? I try to tech, but on the internet I have a hard time consistantly timming it (lag?).
Dandy J told me to push block, but push blocking a quick cr dash a1 is super hard, and if you miss the push, youll get thrown during the roll.
This has been hangin up my defense alot lately, I get so consumed trying to tech the throw that I know is comming, that I get put back on my heels a bit, I cant play very well when im not the one dictating the actions and pace.
any experince / advice?
Well you could try and low jump some move with a downard angle… but thats pretty risky… This is alot of my problem online is that push blocking quick things is really tough because of the speed of the move combined with a bit of lag. It makes alot of tick throw or combo games very strong.
Man, if you see me in the room message me man. Even if i’m away, unless it says something like “i’m out” then i’m not there, but for the most part i’m not afk when i’m away. I usually wait for jojo’s players to get online then go from away.
When your hot your hot, when your not your not. You have a good Hol but the BEST arguably for me would be Roadapple. Some say Dyne (whom i don’t play very often but i’ve played him enough) and yeah hes good too. But the only one of the three to really give me an absolute hard time is Roadapple when we played on a good ass connection one night and went at for like three hours or so. I have to say after all that, that’s what made me better at jojo’s. Rave my man, i can’t play you on a good connection half the time bro so i feel i’m robbing you or i’m getting robbed half the time And Dyne is always busy doing other things its hard to get a match for him. :sad: