I know exactly how you feel. More people are getting better. I’m starting to feel is a beast with s.Dio. I’m not sure if it’s me or people but I’ve been getting ass handed to me. I just hope it’s me and all the studying. I should be back on Thursday after all this studying. I just hope the next tourney I can make it.
Honestly Geezer if you need me to run/help run a tourney, just lemme know. I’d be happy to cover the brackets/matchups etc.
I realized I was really out of practice with the Hol matchup. I guess a 3 week or so hiatus does that to you haha. Once i get some quality matches, I’ll be back into this game fully. :tup:
Does anyone have a cheat file for JoJo that will work on Final Burn Alpha? Can’t seem to find one anywhere. Need dat bootleg training mode.
why not just do save state training. Spend one round building bar until you have max. Kill the opponent through super-less means or wait for times up. Once the next round start, save state. Do whatever you want and load state when you make a mistake or wanna restart. That’s what I do. Unless the cheat file has ways to make the 2nd player tech and stuff then I want that. That’s really important.
What he said, and make sure you are training with 2nd player and not computer (so the computer doesn’t mess up your combos). Either that or buy a DC thats model 1999 or lower and download/burn jojo’s
Yeah, the canadian is definitely getting his level up. Although i don’t know why he hasn’t moved to active stand characters yet. I guess he’s too lazy to try to learn links and tandems and blah blah blah. (i dun blame him, its alot to learn one character) @_@
Thanks bud, that’d be sweet. I only ran a tourney out of frustration and the demand for one to be held. I really didn’t want everyone wasting their time getting online that time. Hopefully i achieved just that. :wonder:
I dunno about that. He said his goal was to learn every character. He could be good at linking when I watch him play and how he is able to pick up strategies and concept on the spot of battle. I think he figured me out in 2 or 3 battles. I had to switch up a bit everytime after that.
ok people get final burn shuffle download mame cheat dat make a folder called cheats put it in there and instant ghetto training mode
Hey look guys cause Im nice.
this one Im pretty sure has the jojos stuff in there.
Well i didn’t know that much, but i definitely noticed that was the only characters he was picking when he started out (besides joseph). He’s a quick learner and the same trick won’t work on him forever, thats the great thing about him. Although i’m curious to see how well he can play every character though. Seems impossible though @_@
EDIT: Thanks Ross, i’ll make sure to let anyone who asks about it know which page that download is on. A few people have asked for that in the past. Good looking out =)
I downloaded the cheat and put it in the folder. But the option is grayed out in FBA, is there any way to get it working?
gah, i really need to stop spending all my free time playing mmo’s…
leebeeeeeeeeeeee when ever u get back around here, we are staying up for a week playing lag free jojo’s =D
carry on!
What kind of mmo? Better be a good mmo that steals your time or I’ll smack you.
this game is pretty bad ass!
picked up a buncha characters.
now im working on Dio
probably the most satisfying person to play especially when landing the tandem combo
but i have to admit thats one of the most difficult BnB combos i have ever learned for any game that i played in a while.
its like roll canceling then dash partitioning then timing a qcb just perfectly.
well iu hope more people get into this
i saw floe play the other day and i know hell get good in bout 3 days.
if you see this Floe hit me up and send me a challenge i can show you whatever tricks ive learned in the past month
How accurate is the PSX port? I picked it up at a flea market for like 5 dollars.
it’s pretty much crap
but still jojo’s
so :tup:
The DC port is accurate to the arcade. The PSX version isn’t accurate at all.
PS1 port has an awesome story mode, but is missing a bunch of moves, stand rush time is shorter or something, etc
not accurate, but it’s worth $5. >>
i still play threw super story mode on mah copy every now and again.
I never planned on playing it. I just wanted to know how good the port was. :lol:
If you never did plan on playing then why did you even bother to pick it up in the first place.
On another note, who’s been saying I was the best Dio player on 2df. Apparently, some user named pedofox told me I was the best and some of you other guys think so too. I don’t think I’m that good but whatever. Just curious if someone is spreading it or pedofox is BSing.