The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Yo did you manage to get the port forward working. Maybe you should steal your neighbours’ connection so you don’t have to worry about the WEP and getting your dad angry. Plus free internet and bandwidth lol.

Soh is uploading some new vids from japan


this one has BBC(imo one of the best all around jojos players) playing chaka!

I’ll not upload the remaining videos of the tournament before Monday because I have some problems to take them on Nico Video, BBC was eliminated immediately, unfortunately :sad:

All my neighbors got WEP. Everyone is smart here @_@

EDIT: Man, that chaka player was amazing. Almost seemed like he was going for an infinite tandem to combo to tandem.

thx a lot for the tourney link. there are 3 files on nico, right?

edit: actually, 7

those matches were alot of fun, good stuff!

edit: prolly wont make it on 2df tonight ;; ill try tho.

shit son those matches were indeed beast

i’m pumped for tomorrow


You better god dammit! :mad:

Uhm…you mean today? The tournaments today…:rofl:

wait what?

it says saturday

was there a change?

what time is this going down then lol

GREAT GAMES GUYS!!!:wgrin: Everyone played well and the turnout was marvelous. Even though roukyou couldn’t attend again i took over for him and we had this tourney going real well. It took long as fuck because me and rave couldn’t connect and a lot of people were AFK at one point in the tourney but i’m glad it came to an end. Like i said this isn’t ranked because roukyou wasn’t hosting but it was really fun and i’m glad yall could attend. :woot: I want to thank everyone for being patient and seeing it through to the end. This was very good. GOOD JOB RAVE FOR GETTING FIRST PLACE! =)

1st) DeadlyRave-Neo
2nd) Leebee Link
3rd) Gamegeezer


LOSERS Bracket

And i want to thank all of you for coming out and taking the time to sit around and wait for your matches its’ been most fun guys!

bahhh i wish the connection was better in the last game

i swear i did like throw everytime he rolled, but nothing came out =\

maybe i’m being a bitch, but i think things would’ve been different

in any event, ggs to everyone

i need to go to sleep before i die of exhaustion

Its the sleep talking man lol. You played good man. Thats some serious dedication. And yes, JOJO’S ALL NIGHT! :rofl:


yeah sorry, i left at some point to go do other stuff =P

1 round was good enough for me.

Naw, its kool man i figured you weren’t gonna show so i replaced you with DeadlyRave-Neo. We didn’t really have to much of a issue with hostability last night which was good, but things started to look scary towards the end of the tourney so yeah @_@.

EDIT: I updated my post before my last with the brackets for any of you who wants to see it. We had a double elimination going. It may look a little whacky but its all correct.

DAMN!!! I can’t beleive I missed everything. I got midterms and assignments coming up like mad and I gotta study shit. I’m on a break now and would be gone in 10 mintues to study again. When’s the next tournament?

Damn, these must have been intense matches if I seen people like halfro losing and other respectful people I know.

Halfro did not lose, he said he wanted in and left before we got started so he was DQ’ed. I doubt he woulda wanted to stay up as late as the finals matches were. :rofl: Poor Leebee, he stayed up all night playing matches hahaha.

O damn sounds like it was one crazy long ass tourney. When did it start and end? I probably won’t even join the next tourney lol.

One other question. What happened if 2 people who can’t host are forced to play each other, like in the finals.

Well it was my fault it lasted so long, then again i never intended to host that night, it was supposed to be Roukyou doing this tournament AND ranked at that. And neither happened last night so yeah, i kinda involuntarily stepped in through the influence of Raoh and what not. It was like four hours or so i think >.<

We a ran into that issue a little bit last night when i was supposed to play Leebee. So i flipped a coin and i went into the losers bracket to play deadly rave neo where we had a best 2 out of 3 match twice. Roadapple had the same issue early on in the tourney after round one when he was supposed to play Leebee so he went over to the losers bracket and DeadlyRave-Neo took over for him while he left to go do something. Even though he was in the losers bracket it was still double elimination so even if he lost he’d have another extra set against whoever he lost to. So it would have worked out even with hosting ability. Although if two people who can’t host make it to the finals well…@_@. Even if we had more issues with hostability something would work out. :woot:

Sorry I couldnt stay, as some of you may know, I get owned by my daughter sometimes haha. I will stay on for the next one. Let me know when it will be and hopefully a little earlier :slight_smile:

It’s kool bro, fatherly duties always come first. :wgrin: Although, not sure if i’m going to run the next one seeing as how i was just filling in for roukyou in his absence >.<. The reason it was so late was because we started an hour after the initial tournament and it took so long just to get the matches done with because we waited around for people and some people didn’t want to play but never bothered telling us that they didn’t want to (i’m talking about the 3S people joining in the tourney and then never telling us they didn’t want to play because it was jojo’s @_@). So it went on a lot longer than i thought (especially since it was double elimination). Very very fun though, turn out was great and i see a lot of improvement being made. More people are interested in the game now thanks to these tournies. :woot: