Where can i find you, lol? :wasted: Don’t think we’ve ever played…
i’ve been so busy with school lately that if I have free time it gets put into other stuff, and I typically don’t in the first place.
Which I say because it’s why I haven’t been playing, of course, and because I’m going to try to play more because this game is just too awesome.
that is alll.
I played some more and remembered some things. So, I’m doing a little refining on the r.soul research. Most of it is obscure and therefor useless of course, but w/e. I’ll post what I find soon/later, etc.
First post here on SRK. Some of you may know me, I’m Dio on 2DF. I was wondering what you people think of me and what I should improve on and stuff
It’s really hard to do some of the combos I see on youtube and one I learned from someone 2DF. The timing on the links feel so strict like 2 or 3 frames and feels impossible to do.
Oh yeah, your that really good Polnareff player right? Man, you pulled off some sick chariot combos. =)
Damn it old man, go get your head fixed. You’re the Polnareff player and I’m the Dio player. AND PORT YO!!! I WANNA PLAY AGAINST YOU!!!
Naw, i am pretty sure i saw you play polneriff. I personally don’t like the guy, i don’t even know how to spell poulnuraff. I like Dio, i use him a lot professionally and can link every combo but i just can’t seem to beat your beastly polnareff. Lol, and i had everyone and they momma trying to help me out with portforwarding, and even though i did everything right i still can’t play on ggpo or host on 2df. So i leave the rest to you my friend. :wgrin:
Okay I’ll try my best as well then old man. I haven’t been getting luck but hopefully I’ll get it working if I call my ISP. Expect me this weekend or next weekend. Depends on my exam schedule.
Kewl, can’t wait to see Dio in action.
GG to deadly rave. Never played in an intense match before where both players are close/equal. I never thought I’ll reach to your level when I first started playing JJBA. Now I gotta learn other characters beside Dio.
Thats not entirely necessary (not entirely). I used to play nothing but polnareff for a loooooooooooong time and after a while my method of playing the game changed and my reaction speed doubled because i got comfortable with my character and i knew his strengths/weaknesses. I was so in tune with Pol and figured out all the match ups that i became pretty fair with him. I’m not on the level of my 2df buddies execution wise (major props to 192, Rave, Apple, Halfro, Ross, and all you other sexy bastards out there who can pull damn combo to tandems off, and then back to combo). Dio is difficult, at least from what i heard (although i can’t really do executions to well, still practicing) so you just have to be patient. You went up against Rave, so he’s bound to sweep you a good of many times before you stand a chance against him. He knows his three characters in and out, especially jotaro, so its only natural he knows how to counter just about everything you can dish out. Trust me Dio, you’ll get there man. If you can honestly say your close to Rave, it’s proof already. I just wish we all could get some casual matches outside of 2df but fuck nobody invented the warp pipes yet :arazz:
Thanks for the feedback. Dio from my perspective isn’t that hard of a character to learn. You’ll learn all the basics really fast however, when it comes to combos and doing the links, that’s the really difficult part. I still have trouble doing the first part of the combo.
I can’t do the links and stuff before the tandem. The tandem and combos after the tandem I can pull off.
I don’t really know Rave’s 3 characters. I fought his Dio, Jotaro, Ice and the Kakyion clone, the gooey guy (forgot his name). From our fights, I felt we were close except against his Ice. His Ice may be better than my Dio but I only fight him once before I had to leave. Maybe you could be the judge for me.
or look at my other replay:
yo yo yo its all gravy man welcome to the scene play hard. anyway my main is hol horse and jotaro im working on iced and dio
dio from canada dio?
or shin dio from mexico?
or dio dio from england?
or some other random dio?
/me head explodes.
I assume the dio from canada, anyways, welcome, this is a pretty cool thread. We need more strategy talk in here.
I tried to learn dio, but consistantly hitting all those tight links that he needs to make his tandem combos do any nice dmg, is super hard for me over the internet. Without doing the slick opening parts, his dmg output just isnt there.
IMO, dio is one of the hardest guys to play at a high level in this entire game. If you cant do big dmg, your gonna find yourself fighting alot of uphill battles. He needs that stuff to be able to compete. Its what makes dio, dio in this game.
o and im roadapple on 2df, welcome to jojo srk style.
Hello aqualung. Yeah, I’m the Dio from Canada. Never knew there was that many Dio on 2DF. HAHA!! I stole the original name. Yeah the slick opening is really needed for the damage potential to be over half life. There are other ways such as inputting more than 8 or 9 loops into the tandem but that’s not worth it. Chances are you’ll mess up and ruin the combo.
True Dio is difficult to learn for high level fights. His links is what makes it hard and you gotta play mind games with the opponent. I would like to talk about strategies but not right now. I’m sort of busy. I guess I should help contribute to the wiki page as well on SRK for any new players. I’ll cover Dio since he’s the only character I know and I’ll probably need someone to read up my stuff and make sure they agree with what I think.
yo all the jjba player my faut on this last sat a friend got married so i went out with him and some others that night so im holding it on friday 8pm central i have most that signed up as participating again if anyone else is interested pm me here or hit me up on aim or just sign up on the site http://www.tv-ranbat.net/
Just to make sure, is R.Soul’s j.S actually untechable if your stand is inactive?
I’m testing it now, but I’m too lazy to test with everyone.
casual games from 2df!
tried it out for the first time
seemed cool
ill try to fix my ports when im not too lazy
Yeah man, we gotta play. Can’t wait to see how good you are. :wgrin: