The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

I had a quick question to see if anyone can figure how they pull off this combo with Anubis Polnareff. Here is a video that shows the combo:


at the 00:59 mark he does jump in A3, land, stand A1x2, fwd + A2. How are they getting fwd + A2 to combo from a stand A1?. I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while now. If anyone knows the trick I would greatly appreciate it.

Edit: I checked the wiki and it says crouch cancel in the combo. Can anyone explain how to do crouch cancels? Thanks.

Edit 2: I think I figurd it out now.

crouch cancel in this game means to quickly crouch before doing something, so it’d be like
a1,a1,D,f+a2. Good job on figuring it out.

I just tap down and press A2 and it combos it without hitting foward.

Been playing for a little over a week now, I really enjoy the game. I’ve been using Mariah exclusively as she kind of reminds me of Sheryl from Rumble Fish. Knockdown into Electric Pendulum mixups seem to be blocked rather easily, or I get thrown while going into the overhead.

I mash S. A3 a lot, then cancel into her Stand Light Switch.

Haven’t seen anyone else really use her. Though sometimes my runaway gets annoying and my opponent will pick her as well just to beat me at my own game.

If anyone has any tips it’d be appreciated. I just wish chip damage would kill in this game. :shake:

play me sometime on 2df

i’ll teach how to rape

oh yeah, dr stormlocke guy on ggpo.

my favorite thing about mariha, is cr A1 x 3 easy knockdown from cr A1? ok!?

and she is obviously all about wakeup games, so get creative when you get a knockdown.

I personally have a socket out at all times, thats my #1 priority when i play her, even after ive gotten to max lvl. #2 is get a knockdown, then start goin crazy =D

EDIT: o yeah! i really like Standing A3 as well! good poke, and a good anti air tool if spaced well. s.A3 dp A3 is a nice 2 hit anti air option, if you are spaced correctly =P

Oct 11 = fun jojo times on 2df.

reason :

btw, fyi: Crouch cancels can also work in “reverse” and they also apply to many characters (not just anubis polnareff).

Mariah for example can do c.A1 A1 c.A2

or A1 A1 cc A2

or c.A1 A1 cc A2

You get the idea. Normally you can’t go from c.A1 to c.A2 or A1 to A2, but cc’s make it possible for her, and others. But it feels more like a natural chain going from a standing to crouching move or visa versa.

The R.Soul wiki page feels kind of barren. I’d update it but I feel like no one cares anyway.

Oh and don’t forget you can cancel your backdash into attacks, just like your forward dash. This includes your crouching dash attacks, so like Young Joseph can do backdash c.A3 and get his slide instead of hopkick, or just backdash A3 and get a backwards-moving hopkick. Helps with anti-air spacing and shit. Not many characters get full use out of it, but it’s incredibly useful in certain situations.

[Edit]: random notes: You can “cut” Mariah’s dp telephone wire if you hit the cord. Also there’s a difference between jump back into instant air j.D as apposed to shorthop backwards into j.D with her, the jump arc is significantly lower with shorthop. Your j.D can turn you around in the air, so you can like crossup and then j.D on the way down, or shortjump j.A2 then j.D on the way down and it will turn you toward the enemy on crossup/no-cross.

Considering hardly any of the wiki pages even existed for jojo’s before it hit GGPO, I figured adding at least the movelist and some BASIC stuff was an improvement.

Okay, I’ll tinker with it then.

[Edit] Well that’s assuming I can get another account. I seem to have forgotten the password for my old one. Bleh.

any rubber s stuff thats different than the BBC stuff on youtube would be awesome to check out =D

o and, xeno, come play on 2df with us!

Well it won’t e-mail me my old password, and it’s not letting me make a new account.

Oh well.

I guess I could just write it in a text file and link it here.

offtopic: How do you setup infinite life in nFBA?

If you want something you write up added to the wiki, I’d be happy to transcribe it.

Rubber Soul.txt

Aight, this is what I could remember. If I play more and update it I’ll post again.

Can’t wait for the tournies to take place, gonna be sick! We need more entrants dammzit! I wonder how peepz would react if i brought this in for some casual play at cali get togethers…hmmm…

Oh right, I forgot about the A1/j.A1 turn around stuff and the instant high-low.

I edited the text file for grammar and to include that info.

goddammit lately it seems like whenever i’m on people are either playing some other game or are away


I am anouncing right now that I am going to try to put together a tourney on GGPO for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure /MAYBE/ with a cash prize.

The date for the tourney is going to be announced later.


Yeah man, i hear that. I jumped on 2df at 6 this evening, to find 20+ people on jojo 2df, 15 playing street fighter, and the others away ; ;.

Then i went to ggpo, and 5 people on, only 1 from north america ; ;.

O well! Some days are better than others =P

Well if you can’t find anyone else to play, you know where to find me.