The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

If people are going to really fill out the wiki, I can do jotaro. I just dont want to be the only person trying to fill the wiki out.

Can someone tell me some stuff for Hol Horse? I just got GGPO again when i heard it had JoJo’s so get at me!

Why would you want to play Hol? Polnareff is your way to go my friend. :woot: Apple has a damn good Hol, get at him. :wgrin:

hopefully thats a joke. The shadow dio section is all sorts of dumb.

Anyone got combos and how to do them(what to negative edge/buffer/delay etc) for Jotaro?

EDIT: Never mind. Found this link on the second page:

hol? just jump around doing A3, dp over and over and over again /sarcasm

Does anyone else think that having jojo on ggpo as well as 2df is gonna spread our already thin player base, even thinner? Just seems like ggpo people wont even touch 2df , and the 2df people are the same, or just simply cant run ggpo well enough to warrant playing on it.

I try to play on both, but im starting to wonder if my computer / connection just isnt good enough for ggpo to run like it should.

The division in people is already apparent. Aya’s (chip zanuff v5) post is a somewhat accurate representation of this lol, and mine as well.

Just something that crossed my mind today, sorry for rambling.

Ranking battles are gonna be on 2df acording to roukyou… soooooo… yeah. Would really like to see a big turn out for jojo, ive played enough good matches against good players on 2df to know there would be a damn awesome event if everyone would come together to have fun and support this.

link for more info:



The input lag for 2df is WAY too much for me. I dunno why though…Ill try 2df again though.

Also, Why not learn hol horse? Is he that bad or something?

What day will the ranbats be on? I don’t get to play enough lately everytime I get on no one is playing jojos. I should really practice more, but I don’t have the time to practice a million games : (

Alright, game on. Let’s see what yall got. I won’t stop till i’m number 1! :wgrin:

Ill be on tonight for some vs, jba and st. Around 6 or 7 mountain.

is there any1 who can link me to some ICED combos?

im tryin to learn how to do combos that revolve getting in and out of stand during combos


1)dash A ~ STAND ~ A B C QCF a+b - How does this work?

2)(STAND) d+b ,d+C (Stand Cancel) f+B qcf tandem super

ive seen BBC hit this in match as well as his combo video but would like to find specific notation on how to land it more consistently.

IF any1 can provide some links or just some basic info on how to land please let me know.!

Is there a cheat.dat for jojos? I want to practice basic stuff but CPU is a bad way of doing it.

combos from stand off, to stand on, are much easier than you think!

  1. its very simple, you dash A like normal, but stand ~ A is not 2 commands, but one command!

example: dash A ~ Stand + A, B, C super !

Pretty easy since the only hard part is from dash A to stand A, youll have it down fast.

  1. I believe from stand on to off, it should be the same idea. Ive had more trouble getting these kind to link, and really just understanding what stand on normals can link to stand off ones, very tricky to figure this stuff out without seeing BBC or that other awesome guy do it first lol.

anyways, hope that helped some.

no hes not bad hes just a hit and run char

Thank you Sir!!!

i will try that So i can just dash A then hit stand RIGHT AWAY right

or roll it

im not sure if 2d references “~” the same way as it does in 3d games

thanks for your help!


if any1 has the cheat.dat PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE POST!!! or link !!!

It doesnt. Its a link.

Also, I edited the the jotaro wiki a little. Ill add more over time, untill it is filled out the best of knowledge. If anyone sees any thing wrong, edit it for me. :slight_smile:

my kind of character lol

Since this is on ggpo I wanna learn it, anyone know where i can learn basic stuff for this.

The SRK wiki has some decent basic info on it now, I’d check that first.'s_Bizarre_Adventure

The gameplay mechanics change a LOT depending on what characters you use.