The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Does anyone else besides me get this weird issue where you can’t move when you try to configure your jojo’s game? For some reason thats the only game i have issues with even moving while i’m in the configurations screen O.o

P1 side? you have to be on P1 side to move it I think.

Oh damn, no wonder @_@ Thanks man.

damn! havent seen anyone around much recently ; ; maybe ive just been around at odd times i dunno.

great games tonight deadly rave neo

I don’t get on because my stick doesn’t work for some reason. I use a pelican convertor and it just doesn’t register for some reason. is there a setting i have to change?

you will have to have it plugged in before you start it up, but aside from that I don’t know.

i’ve been really busy lately, basically. I’ll play more on weekends in general, school makes it tough to play during the week sometimes.

Jojo is on ggpo now for the people who haven’t noticed yet. Ponder threw it up today after a quick test. Go try it out and have some fun.

cool thanks for the heads up =P

holy shit! I still can’t get GGPO to work, but that’s awesome!

sorry i haven’t really been playing much lately; gotta study for midterms then I should be back in business

that shit is fuckin laggy 2df is better hard to combo on ggpo

Your CPU is too slow.

yeah this.

personally, I’m extremely glad that jojo’s is on GGPO because that means I never have to touch 2df ever again. :V

Hey guys, trying to get more stuff up on the wiki about this. I added a section for Iggy. I’m gonna try to at least get a movelist up for everybody within the next couple weeks.

Edit: Looking back on this thread, should I be using A B C S notation or A1 A2 A3?

for dio wiki I did A1,A2,A3 because its technically the correct notation…

i’d go A1, A2…etc. or L, M, H, S

I believe Ross is correct, the notation is written down in the booklet as A1, A2, A3, S. :wink:

Well it’s certainly not difficult to get use to.

I’d prefer to use LP/MP/HP when talking about it, but I guess a Wiki should probably go with A1/A2/A3, might as well.

Pizzakiller here to help with Jojo’s wiki. Doing work on main page tonight. Updated and added special actions, and updating the basic tips and strategies section.

If your gonna add to the wiki, dont give out shitty strategy tips.

Dont be like the Hol Horse page… please.

heres a nice faqs