Nice man, i cant wait to see the nastyness that you can unleash as dio =D. You’ve got the execution to really do some good stuff I have a feeling.
Im just kinda gonna ramble for a moment now! Mostly for my own amusement (since ive been thinking about this stuff today at work) and from my experience playing Half-ro, who in my opinion, plays the game at a really wonderful pace.
I think I finally figured out that being predictably aggressive is not the way to play this game. Getting hit by seemingly random supers seems to mean your overly aggresive, and really makes the game degenerate into a less technical, meter burning (supers!) version of itself.
There is certainly a time to pressure, but you must pick those spots wisely.
Im not the biggest fan of throwing out supers by themselves, but when someone is being incorrectly aggressive, its hard not to pull the trigger for an easy chunk of damage when your 80% sure its gonna land.
Im sure Half-ro will agree with me on this, BEST OUT OF 5 round settings, do not benifit this game. At all. Meter building is very easy, and its kinda silly to see someone with 8 meter in round 4. The game just degenerates into a super chucking contest.
Anyway, just some things I was thinking about today. Carry on!
yo im glad people are playing this game. as long as i been playing this, its always played on 3 out of 5 regulation off for blood and ex char. besides why not build meter its apart of the game, and the important thing is its fun.
Sweet man, i finally got my dreamcast so i can play this game now in training mode. My game has gotten a lot better with stand mode on so now i can do some pretty interesting combos. All i gotta do is link combos to tandem and tandem to combos. Polnareff is gonna be pretty beastly by the time i’m done training with him. Watch out roadapple!:wgrin:
Hell yeah man, its great to hear you talk with such vigor about getting better!
Just hope we can actually connect with out that masssssssssssive input delay on my end. The last time we played (alessy d’bo haha) I couldnt even block a jump in, followed by a low it was so bad ; ;
We have connected well before tho!, and I predict we will again! someday… =P
xenozip: Why dont you play on 2df? I dont understand why you wouldnt, unless of course, your not running windows on your machine. (microsoft net framework crap is needed)
Dropped inputs? Ive never experienced this, I have however, delt with input lag here and there, but never lost inputs. I even sometimes have to play on a wifi connection that only gets a 30% signal quality and strength, and I can still link tight links without any problems what so ever.
I even went back and looked at all the people I played, and of the 6 pages of replays, only 2 people have I had any input problems with.
The other 15 - 20 people? This shit plays nearly flawless, for me at least. Even against the UK people.
i have a good pc that more than enough to run most heavy intensive 3d games
i have a 30 meg net connection , wired
im using an hrap 3
i have the port speed increased to 1000mhz
and i just came from playing the game in japan for 3 weeks
im telling u it drops inputs
I just noticed you only have a few replays, so i assumed you hadnt played jojo on 2df much. Sorry if thats not the case.
Maybe its something with your port speed increase? Im not sure how that works, but its the only thing I see from your statement that may be affecting your quality of play.
Ive just had a different experience playing on 2df than you, Im not trying to say your wrong or anything, I just dont understand why you would be having dropped inputs. Especially when you have a nice set up and a much better connection than ill ever have.
Well, I kinda tried to figure out how many games ive played on there, and well, its impossible to figure it out. A big % of the replays go on for 3+ hours.
I dunno how many of you guys have the game on DC but when I get back to the US, i’d love to host some tourney play or maybe we can even try to get some games at MWC
since your going to college in the town right next to me, I ll follow you wherever you and jojo go =D. Be awesome to break this out at MWC, even if its just at the red roof inn across the street from nikel.
you know, two years ago I TRIED to get some Jojo’s running at MWC. No lie. I had the DC and my legit copy of the game and shit, there just wasn’t a TV, which I can understand perfectly well.
If anyone sees me on 2df, that means I’m there for some jojo’s, so play me! I play (edited list) Dio/Mariah/Midler/Young Joseph/Shadow Dio. This game needs more hype!
By the way, the unlock all code for arcade: configuration -> game -> up down right left A B C S, if you hear the WRYYYYYY it worked. Just posting it up so if I play people I can play young joseph.