I rock A3 alot, and alot in combos lol, so i try to use med for the qcb move.
I played him pretty well tonight, i had some of the best rounds ive ever played with him, but I still need to learn how to tightn up my pressure strings, because I end up eating a super far to often for my taste.
anyway, ill msg you rossssss and we can talk abdul strats =D
Yeah I watched one of your matches. You love that dashing A3 haha. We play kind of different but thats not that big a deal. We def should play sometime!
Aye, the dash A3 is really a bad habit lol. But in all fairness, ive only been playing him for a week at the most, so I havent really found my playstyle with him yet.
I think what is holding me back right now, is that im way to concerned with landing his meterless combos, and I put my self in bad situations to try to do so. Im positive that rushing forward isnt the best way to play him at least lol.
I get many many knockdowns (cr A3 with stand off), but I just cant seem to capitalize on them.
Dashing A3 isn’t bad… its like mariah’s fast hits far away knocksdown. It was just funny cause you got it alot. Most abduls seem to pressure going in and out of standmode and then trying to land crossups into his standard combo. Some like to turtle more with the homing fireball and some like to just go ahead and rush a bit. but both are vaild.
Lol, apple’s Hol is @_@. Can’t wait for you to host (or me for that matter), I hope to play your (whoever it is that you play) soon. Still trying to find that next great challenge to go up against my Polnareff. After a few couple of hours of playing prozacnation back to back to back the guy has become quite a player. I hope more people jump into this game so we can do some Cali-Jojo’s Tournies. :cybot:
Im down to play. Im gonna work on forwarding my ports today to so that I can challenge people.
Ive played some of you guys, Neo/Apple, you guys should jump on tonight!
I got trounced by gamegeezer, and half-ro’s jotaro. I need to learn how to correctly pushblock to get more space for myself, and improve my pressure so other people have to deal with that.
good games to everyone (on monday? hm) basically had a marathon session playing JoJo’s most of the day.
had a bunch of streaks going against some pretty good people (any of you played Vanilla38?) so if you wanna watch some prime matches then just check out mah page.