The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

Any1 have a good AA like an SRK? sick of damn jumps.

oh yeah tier list plz =x

sweet yeah im in champaign for the most part. we have a decent scene here (shrinking as of late) but the few of us that our left are good in the games we play (3s, GG, etc).

who is your character? Alot of characters just have really good anti-air normals.

Like Dio cr.A2
Shadown Dio st.A2

Abdul has a DP

Kakyoin, R.Soul, and Chaka should be no-brainers. Good luck jumping at those fuckers.

And you wouldn’t think Y.Joseph and O.Joseph’s qcf Overdrive moves would work as anti-air but they damn sure do (even better than Y.Joseph’s hamon soda pop).

Plus, keep in mind you can attack while backdashing with most characters (all characters?), which lets you get into ideal anti-air range with lots of characters too.

Like if you’re playing Mariah she can backdash into st.A3 or dash into ocr.A3, and things like that.

But you know, if your opponent is jumping a lot, what you can really do to fuck them up is use a character with a decent jumping stand attack and then do shortjump->stand and then anti-air guard break them. This is like super effective with S.Dio shortjump j.A into j.S then anti-air st.A2 or dashing st.A2, for example. If they get hit by the short jump you’re fine, if they block the shortjump they usually have to block the stand which gives you all day you anti-air them with a ground normal.

empty jumping at r.soul is fun =D

Personally, my most consistent anti air technique… is pushblocking.

danomite!, who you play as for real? whenever we play, you try out everyone =P. I still think you need to pick one guy and learn him/her really well.

this is roadapple btw.

Xenozip: I like the anti-air guard breaking idea’s! Ill have to go play around and see if the few characters I use have anything i can use like that.

Also, has any one else experimented with combos off of “alpha counters”? I’ve been messing around with this lately, and am curious if anyone has came up with nice ones. The R.Soul one in the BBC basic combos video is the only one i know for sure.

S.dio can do a st.c after his…

Chaka can do BnB combo after his, just have to link

i just got on 2df and i’m on a lot as Leebee

I’m still learning/getting down links, but i’ll learn fast so just bear with me if we play haha

cool leebee =D

we should have pretty nice ping since we are located somewhat close.

look forward to some random games !

Man, been playing 2df like the plague the last few days. Strange thing though, i have NOT SEEN A SINGLE POLNAREFF player at all. Wtf is up with that? I feel hella alone with no one to share strategies with…:sad:

youtube is your friend:china:

Yeah, but it doesn’t talk back to me, or challenge me in the middle of the night asking for matches…:crybaby:

shit, i tried to teach you combos while we sat in training mode, didnt listen to me =P

we need more jojo’s people online on 2df


Yeah I wish. Does ggpo support JoJos?

Also, Have we tried to put together any tournaments yet??

GGPO doesn’t support JoJos. 2DF does. Maybe someone can get Ponder to put it up.

yo i tried i even made a thread

I did, i just can’t do it mid-battle man. Maybe you can but for me its hard to execute that shit on somebody, especially advanced players where a simple jump in isn’t gonna hit 99% of the time. And if i do it’s because my stand is out… :bluu:

Finally got 2df working. Im fucking up alot of my old combos, but maybe I’ll go practice them again so I can be better.

I play S.dio, dio, mariah, Abdul…

Ross, hit me up whenever you wanna practice man. I could use some S. Dio training.

Abdul is so fun. Possibly my new favorite character to play. Seems like newer people dont like him because he doesnt have an easy time landing random supers lol. I dont feel like ive got him down quite yet, but im gettin there. Much harder to learn, than say, Hol Horse lol.

A Classic Tourney would be kinda hard to do, since quite a few people cant host ; ;

So I was thinking of a way to do some sort of round robin, weekly / bi weekly / every 2 weeks / something, just to try to get people interested and wanting to learn about this game.

Abdul is pretty good. I need to practice actually doing his stand rush combo… His stand mode normals are pretty damn good, tk dive is fun and randomly useful. The tracking fireball is great. I only use A3 tracking cause while his jump A3 is pretty good air to air he doesn’t need it for his combos or anything.

Oh and his straight foward fireball super stand crushes instantly(if you hit with the very first part), the dp one does good chip and is decently invincible. And of course the kinda ghetto mixup options on the dispersal fireball is nice.

People need to portfoward! So you can host!