Didn’t know about that
Whenever I try to google nFBA I keep getting some links to other site. Care to point me in the right direction?
Didn’t know about that
Whenever I try to google nFBA I keep getting some links to other site. Care to point me in the right direction?
I don’t see any problems with the CPS-III support in MAME. I’ve played tons of 3rd Strike in MAME, as well as Red Earth and Jojo’s. IMO the sound emulation is a lot better in MAME as well, especially compared to Nebula. The sound in Nebula is so awful.
Just started trying to dig deeper into this Jojo’s insanity. This game felt like it had a huge sky-high brick wall preventing me from figuring out how to play it but I am slowly starting to make progress. I was so confused at first that both players had 2 guys fighting at once! I could see how this game could turn n00blets off at first glace, due to how technical and hectic it is. Pretty rad concept though and one of the most creative fighting games I’ve ever played.
Has there ever been a big Jojo’s scene in Japan at all? I’ve seen the match vids on Gostunv’s YouTube page. Are those from Japan or are they Kaillera matches?
Because Mame sucks.
It’s not the emulation, it’s the shit emulator with crap code. Final Burn/FBA/nFBA are so much better, since like forever.
Thanks guys. I downloaded both just in case. Now I gotta work on my Jotaro.
so like 95% of people that play this game, play kujo jotaro? ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; ;;
random tip to everyone that plays against him and has trouble.
Jotaro is the only character I like. ORA ORA ORA!!!
I’m screwing around deciding who else to play as.
I also play Jotaro. But Dio is my favorite character. If some cat beats my Jotaro then it’s time to pull out the steamrolla to shut em up. Also I play Polnareff and Hol Horse now.
I dunno. Nobody I play against plays as Jotaro (and neither do I).
man I wish I could get my internet figured out. Then I could play too!
I play shadow dio, Abdul, Magnet Girl, and Dio.
I seem to be playing R.Soul, S.Dio, Mariah, Y.Joseph, and a little Hol Horse.
But uhh, mostly R.Soul and S.Dio.
Right on, thats cool guys.
I mainly play Vanilla Ice and Hol Horse w/ hangman, and as i continue to play, gonna get re-familliar with all those other characters i played with in the past.
Would love to see some higher lvl play with some of those other characters first hand, fix your internet fullmetal!!!
Scrub jotaro and scrub dio just get uber boring to play aginst lol. I still like playing against skillfull jotaro and dio, but so much more uncommon to bump into.
I’ve mostly been playing against a few of the people that played Monster and IaMP on that same IRC server (mizuumi).
You could probably find me there if you wanted to play some, or against one of them.
Where you located in Central IL? Just interested since I havent seen you post in any midwest threads.
Ok…so I want to get back into this game (not like I was really into it aside from being a big fan), I have the DC version of the game. Are there any differences between that and CPS3 version? The only reason why I can really only use the DC version right now is because my adapter doesn’t work with my stick and my other stick is being fixed so PC play is kinda out of the question for a while. Now, Jotaro is my favorite character, and when I did mess around with the game, I really liked his playstyle. Does anyone know some basic BnBs, strats and whatnot? Thanks in advance people. :wgrin:
Well you know how to get on mizuumi.
If you want to play against me, sphyra, rithli, tmn, comic-z, or suou. I think a few others there play it too, and if roadapple shows up again then him too.
Just ask in #seriousbusiness .
For whatever reason, JoJo’s never had a big scene (probably couldn’t generate as much interest as 3S).
The match vids are from Japanese JoJo’s pages, you can find a bunch of them, if not all of them, throughout this thread.
This reminds me, can anyone upload those JoJo’s matches from Playland Pulse? they’re fairly old, so I’m not surprised that the website doesn’t still have them uploaded, but surely someone here must have them :wgrin:
You actually know me. Im swerve (adam)'s friend. Me and him came over to your place a few years ago, and bastef was there too. O and a different time we played like 10 matches of HnK too over at his aprt. in bloomington, I only knew Jagi tho XD. Im finally startin to get back into the fighting game thing.
O yeah, and I live 30 min from bloomington and like 40 from champaign, in a small town.
[media=youtube]EA6HiodJodk[/media] for bnb for the rest, just play some good people, youll figure out what to do and what not to do. I used DC training mode alot. Didnt notice any obvious differences, but there may be timming differences on the qcb - stand combos, not positive on this.
Pretty good, i’m glad he got some Polnareff combos going, that will defintiely help my game out a lot. I’m a little confused on the kakyoin video because he laid out traps without me even visually seeing him doing so. How is that possible? Perhaps i’ll train in a bit. For all of you who don’t know, i main Polnareff, Joseph, Kakyoin, Dio, Jojo, Jotaro, and play some shadow dio (i tend to forget his move list @_@). Roadapple, i’d take you on today for a little while if your online. I got homework to do but Jojo’s sounds so much more fun at the moment. Even if it’s only for ten to twenty minutes hahaha.
Anyone have a version that has a practice mode?
Just enable cheats for the game, or get the cheat.dat file for it, and enable unlimited health for both players, and you can practice to your heart’s content.