there was a code posted in this thread awhile ago…
1.Test Menu>Configuration>Game
2.Then press u,d,r,l, A, B, C, S.
there was a code posted in this thread awhile ago…
1.Test Menu>Configuration>Game
2.Then press u,d,r,l, A, B, C, S.
Sorry, my bad. I had one of the kick buttons binded to the same button as a punch button, and apparently that fucked up the code.
Got it now.
I’m glad to see theres a Jojo thread here. Does anybody play on Kaillera? It would be great to get some matches in with some of you.
BTW, I just ran across this match video again in my favorites.
That Dio player is sick, especially at the end :amazed:
yeah there is another set of matches on youtube somewhere. He is my fav dio player. Definitely why I started to play him over shadow dio…
anyone around for 2df jojo =?
edit: omfg, i just had wonderful games of jojo’s, incredible!
Im with it. Im just trying to get it to work right first. Do you need the og jojo and jojo 2?
What is the difference between the different versions of the game? Are the 2 CPS-III releases totally different games or is the 2nd one kind of a revision? What about the ports? Are they ports of the 2nd CPS-III Jojo’s (Heritage)?
Also, is the DC port better than the PSX port?
I heard the PSX port just might be the worst console port in gaming history.
It’s pretty fucking bad.
Meanwhile, the DC version is actually really good. I don’t know what the differences are, if there are any at all, but I haven’t noticed any really big ones. I’m starting to wonder why I haven’t seen the DC Jojo’s much at console tournys.
The actual execution requirements for not being a scrub are pretty high. Lots of systems people think they understand but don’t. Basically just a hard to game to pick up and be good at.
But… peeps get baked and play Marvel.
But Marvel has Marvel characters in it. And peeps were raised on that shit. Also marvel even at the highest level has things that are soo much easier than some of the basic dio shit. Which is a big group of 1-frame links over and over!
I think if Jojos had been big here during peeps childhood it would have been amazing.
lol, quoted for excellence.
yeah, im finding that the really tight links in this game give me trouble, especially over internet. o well, i guess i have a reason now to throw in dc version for some training mode.
you should just get the cheat.dat for this game and train in mame. Thats what I do.
Yeah the psx is much slower and certain combos are impossible to pull off on it. I own it but i still think it was worth the twenty dollars just to find it. Some jojo’s is better than no jojo’s. So glad i found this thread here. Gonna be posting a lot more when i get the time to. Off to homework for now…:looney:
thanks for the heads up
edit: Great games everyone i played tonight, Vanilla Ice in the house.
dashing cr. C
Good games. We should set up tournaments or just gatherings (like st sundays).
What do you guys think?
Is the PSX port so bad it’s better to train on MAME?
yes, but why MAME when there’s a decent CPS3 emulator out?
Yeah, just get nFBA. It’s so much better than mame.