heres the vid. explains all of his basic shit.
heres the vid. explains all of his basic shit.
I see the combos he doing and they look pretty simple enough; is there an easier way to perform his 360 move? I;ve always sucked at doing those but with this guy I’m willing to learn it (especially his super combo version)
360s only require you to input 6 directional inputs on your pad/stick. in other words, you dont have to do the entire full circle on your controller. its not needed to input all 8 points going in a circle; f,df,d,db,b,ub,u,uf. you only need to input: f,df,d,db,b,ub. so think of it as a partial circle going around.
in conclusion, you can perform 360s by only doing 270s.
peronally, i cant do it on a standard DC controller. try it on an arade stick. it might help better.
wait for someone else to come into this thread and give you a better explanation pertaining to the application of 360 motions.
Yeah I kinda figured that with the 360 setups nowadays; its the same way on CvS2 and later games I should have known better:bgrin:
I’m trying to purchase an arcade stick too but don’t know what to get. I heard th MAS Systems sticks are real good…don’t wanna get too deep into that I’ll probably get shunned off of this thread lol
a HRAP or even a HFS can do, imo. Its more of an issue about your thumb being able to hit all 6 points in time. spinning the stick in a circular motion tends to be faster for me.
how many frames does it take to jump in JJBA? it takes 3 frames to jump in SF3:TS i think. you gotta input the attack button before the jump frames start to kick in. works for me.
for Josheph, just focus on getting his links down. half of JJBA’s learning curve is getting to pull off combos as soon as the oppurtunity arises. same can be said for alot of fighting games, as well.
Are Petshop and the Dog banned in tournament play, I have a friend who wants to know.
Petshop is. Iggy isn’t. Wtf? Why would you ban iggy? Even though I don’t know of any places that actually have tournaments for this.
Man I looked at those vids on youtube on how to use Joseph and his combos…for a vid showing basic combos they sure don’t look to damn basic to me. I have alot of trouble continuing his combos with his stand, and and when doing his tandem I can only get like 3-4 hits out and thats it. Is there a set combination to input to do his combos when in tandem or what? Or maybe I just suck asscheeks on the game lol
well the vid is done on dc so the timing is less strict than the arc ver so keep that in mind when ur tryin that
Well I finally got Alessi’s tandem combo down, the problem now is hitting them with the axe 3-4 times and then doing the machine gun move. Btw, in the finals of the mikado videos where it’s Joseph vs. BBC’s Jotaro, I saw him to standing C into standing C and then cancel into super against a Jotaro that was waking up. I’m wondering how they canceled the two standing Cs into each other, any idea?
Yeah that don’t help me much man…
forgenjuro (if you still read the thread)/anyone else in tokyo: where can i find JoJo cabs? i’m in minato-ku, but can get on yamanote line within 5 minutes so i can easily travel to hotspots like shinjuku/shibuya/tokyo/ikebukuro/etc.
does anyone have the matches from playland pulse?
also, i was wondering if there are any old vids from jojo.sakura.ne.jp that are not currently hosted (or even listed)? if so, could someone please upload them for me?
thx in advance
nah dude, if you look really closely at the animation of joseph’s left arm, you can see that it doesn’t extend as far for the jab animation, therefore it’s a standing C x 2, and I also found a bug video with it included, so that tells me that there must be some kind of trick or glitch to doing it
Edit: I personally don’t play Joseph but my friend does and I usually kick his ass whenever we play so any tips for him getting better would help me a lot.
He usually uses Joseph, Jotaro, Avdol, and recently he’s learning Kakyoin. With Jotaro, he says can’t link 2A2A6B 214AA, but I’ve repeatedly suggested that he instead just do a dash 6B into tandem (which does a grip already) or the extended combo of 236S into 214AA for the knockdown and it’s really easy to hit confirm that. With Avdol he just spams 2C and although his Kakyoin is new to him, he just hits buttons and spams emerald splash full screen away.
I play mostly the characters that don’t have a stand (mostly cuz I don’t like getting stand crushed) and I suppose the only char I use w/a stand is Alessi, and I even learned his tandem too but I haven’t used him lately since I can’t seem to hit with the axe 3-4 times when they’re a kid and then the machine gun move. Usually I just get like 1 hit and then do the machine gun move.
The other characters, Hol Horse I just runaway w/him and shoot a lot (I really should used hanged man more and do unblockable loops). With black polnareff, I like his lockdown and pressure strings (5A 5B link is hard…yea yea I know you have to N cancel it). Then w/Mariah I usually do a mix of both, I runaway and fill the screen, and then I try to get a knockdown off that and go for the mixups off the electric cable.
Sometimes I use Rubber Soul (but I have absolutely no idea how to use him). I play Khan but his options are rather limited making him a bit boring. S.Dio I sorta gave up on for the time being (I need to practice those dashing 2A into 5C combos). I’m considering learning Dio and possibly Jotaro just for the sake of showing my friend there’s ways to play him w/out doing all those 1 frame links (although doing tandem’s can be a real bitch sometimes…another reason I hate stand characters). I would consider using Devo but that fool requires hella microing and I suck at it. The last character I learned how to use was Young Joseph, and to end this post, I ask what I’ve seen in videos. That beam super, there’s a way to set it up so it hits meaty and is unblockable I hear? Anyhow, the video showed him doing it on Joseph, and I tested it and it worked. Is this only character specific or will it work with all the characters (minus the bird and dog)?
As a side note, that 3C link off of three 2A’s is fucking hard, I have yet to get it once. I managed to get 3C after two 2A’s, however, my accuracy is like 1/20.
Edit: Btw, what’s this 80% combo Petshop has off a jab?
How the frak do you use ZAAAA WARUDOOOO with Dio/Jotaru in this game effectively?
well alot of times u wanna catch them off guard with it so either do some thing that puts distance between u and the other guy or a combo that ends with a stand crush
Ehh, sorry but, how do you pick S.Dio and Y.Joseph in the arcade version?
I checked gamefaqs and some posts but they just have incorrect information or information for the console versions.
The way it works is, you will stay in the custom combo mode as long as your ‘chain’ is not ‘finished’. So basically you’ve got these chain combos, and in custom combo mode you can cancel any of the hits into specials. Let’s say you have a pixel of Stand bar left and you hit the A button to start a chain. As long as you keep it going, you’ll stay in the custom combo mode. So you could do A (bar runs out),A,A,B xx 236Cx3, and you’d stay in CC mode until after the last 236C finished.
The whole combo is:
(whatever) xx 214S, C (2 hits) xx 236A~236A, A,A,A,B,C (2 hits),2B xx 236B~236B, A+S,B,C (2 hits),2B (kara) xx 236C~236C~236C.
Do the first 2 rekkas really fast, and when you start that A,A,A chain after that, your Stand bar will be almost empty. You’ll actually exit CC mode after the 2nd set of rekkas, and then link into A+S (activate Stand + light attack). Then for the last cancel, you have to cancel the 2B before it comes out, since neither the stand C or 2B in that chain are normally cancelable, so you just kara the 2B into 236B/C.
Uhh, sorry to nag but I’m running arcade Jojo’s on nfba and I still can’t unlock the hidden characters. I tried the code up on gamefaqs and it just doesn’t work. Beat the game a couple times and got nothing (and I know they’re there because I fought them).
Anyone have a savestate or cheat ini file they could upload/send?