Aside from the different supers and specials how are the two Hol Horse versions different?
I see no real point in sacrificing the Hanged Man’s special and that stylish super over the Boingo things. Is it just a matter of preference or what?
Aside from the different supers and specials how are the two Hol Horse versions different?
I see no real point in sacrificing the Hanged Man’s special and that stylish super over the Boingo things. Is it just a matter of preference or what?
Ummm… I think if someone is more of a grappler/mixup type player they would pick Hol and Boingo I guess because of that car super. But then again you could just pick a character who does it better than he does like Old Joseph or something. So I guess it’s because he’s a mix of keepaway and grabs. So…-_- dunno.
What puts Joseph so low on the tier list? His throw is beautiful! Normally I enjoy grappler characters as alts but…
Also I can see the point in Hol Horse with Boingo. You have something more up close to save your ass when they get all up in yo’ grill. But god… Hanged Man’s super is so much more stylish.
joseph cant deal with keep away and traps too well
Dosen’t Hol horse w/boingo perform some moves much faster than the regular Hol horse?
hanged man super is too good to sacrifice.
juggle s.H wallslam into unblockable loop? kthxbye
yup the stand is much faster on releasing the bullet.
I think the main reason why regular hol horse is better is that he got bullet time super and hol horse w/boingo have it replaced with pipe maze what is IMO useless.
what’s the unblockable loop?
how do you cancel a tandem attack into a throw? I’ve seen a lot of match vids where they fake a tandem and just throw them out of no where…how is this done?
how do you cancel a tandem attack into a throw? I’ve seen a lot of match vids where they fake a tandem and just throw them out of no where…how is this done?
how do i play anubis polnareff and crazy sword guy?
Anubis Polnareff: Get his counter 3 times (pretty easy actually) and then block alot. Basically, the block auto counters.
(anubis polnareff)
Also after his 2 hit rekka you can go into his multi stab stand attack (qcf stand IIRC)
You can typically also tack on a jumpin strong->jab->jab
His qcb super is slow in coming out but has decent invulnerability, but pretty much only use it to punish.
As has been stated his counters basically give him free guard cancels for those attacks.
Finally you have to be very careful vs. pretty much 70% of the cast due to your lack of a combo that can do 50-100%.
some nice match vids, including a beastly old joseph.
nice to see this topic hasnt died out since ive been gone(lol tho i didnt start it) ive learned a couple things since ive been offline like how to combo from stand off to stand on once i learn more of the timings ill have a small tutorial for the jojo players out there since the only ones out are the ones from bbc that only show u what to do but tells nothing lol
ok, so Chaka’s standard Tandem combo is unusually long. I’m sure you all have seen it. someone posted a vid of this a while back. so when Chaka is entering tandem mode, how does he remain in Tandem even after his Tandem meter had already depleted?
if anyone had already answered this, just link me to the response. I dont want to heckle anybody.
Man I just got this game on my DC and I like it; just wish I could find some other folks in my area that plays it as well. I play with the Indiana Jones looking guy (I forgot his name) and I think he;s pretty good, but I know he has some more tricks up his sleeves. Anybody have any ideas?
he has a sick corner wake-up using his 360 motion throw. his Tandem combo is damaing as well. I think one of Joseph’s main strategies is to build meter, then connect with a move that can cancel into a Tandem combo of choice.
go on youtube and type up “Joseph basic combo” you should find a tutorial for him displaying all of his combos.
Thanks man appreciate it:pray: