I’m pretty sure it’s just doing the same thing, as long as you’ve got 3 full bars of meter.
Well, thats not really countering it… I know there are some glitches that let you move around during the world, but I’ve only ever seen that with Jojo vs Dio. During the World your super meter is quickly draining but you can use supers still, so you do the world then just put in the motion for a few knives and then steam roller, and good bye about 75% of their life
Alright. I’m fixin to check it out rite now. BTW I want to pla this online? But my ya know what trips -_- out, and doesn’t play it. How do I get it to work on Kaillera? Or should I invest in another emu?
In order to cancel out a Time Stop, you must use either Jotaro/Dio and activate it at the same time as the opponent’s Jotaro/Dio does.
About the steamroller special while canceling the other’s time… Well, in the manga/anime, Jotaro was able to cancel The World’s Time Stop during its last seconds in order to attack Dio, so there may be some way to do the same in-game.
Just speculation though, as I have never seen Time Stop being canceled by The World’s Time Stop + steam roller before.
Okay @ 1:53 is where I see it happen.
I have no fucking clue what happened. That looks like a glitch. Shadow dio activated timestop while dio was doing something in the air, with stand out. Then after the super freeze from the unblockable super he seemed to not be stuck anymore (also no stand), Dio proceeded to do steam roller super, causet he other dio was taunting for some reason… and after it hit the game apparently got confused and had him frozen in place. Very weird.
Also get a new version of mame with the new kaillera p2p client…
As to the jotaro getting some special thing to cancel out the world… thats not what happens. It’s just a glitch with the World supr.
I’m fairly certain it’s not a glitch, since it can be done in every version of the game. That “taunt” that S. Dio did was unavoidable because his meter fully depleted.
Oh right, forgot about the taunt part… But it’s still a glitch. Just cause it can be done in every version doesn’t make it not a glitch.
OK I think I must be doing something wrong…
I’m using a different MAME to play JoJo, but whenever I do the code for unlocking the secret characters it doesn’t work.
I’ve set my game to Japanese so can someone post how to do the code? Thanks.
Man, if that S.Dio thing was a taunt, it was executed at the best time (entertainment-wise). Good find G.O.T :tup:
So, I was playing around in training mode yesturday and decided to try out Kakyoin, but unsure whether to use Kakyoin or New Kakyoin (I never liked Rubber Soul).
Does anyone know any major difference play-wise between the two, or even reasons to use one over the other? I rarely see N.Kakyoin vids so there may be some reason why…
thats the code…
As for the kakyoin thing, I don’t play him so I don’t know.
I can only give advice ond Abdul, Dio, S.dio and Mariah.
Okay so the time stop thing I figured it out after messing around. While yo are in the world just put in the motion while your stuck…but it will only activate after the bars run out on the opponent. the command stays in the whole time until his bars go away so once it’s over it’ll do it on it’s own. This game is so freaking awesome, man.
I have also just realized because I am a fraking noob scrub. That if your stand is on with Jotaro or Dio if u do ora or mudamuda you can cancel straight into the qcb+a…I am a noob lol. I did not know that…sad.
I’m resonably sure that that’s by design, since the game is meant to be like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and activating time stop as the other guy’s time stop ends so that they get stuck was in the original story.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t weird things that look awfully glitchy that happen as a result of this, though… involving the steamroller or other moves that “catch” the opponent.
i feel this game is totally underated and underplayed on kaillera and i sorted alittle site showing how to get the game and on my forums there are multi guides and videos on how to become pro at the game feel free to visit and please help me make this game popular and get the attention it deserves
im trying to get more and more players so this game can really be shown how good and fun it is !!
I contributed a lil bit to the Jojo SRK wiki on Jotaro and the main Jojo page. I will start to put like maybe three paragraphs everyday until all of the profiles and game mechanics crap are complete.
I know I asked this before, but I forgot.
What version of MAME and Jojo is everyone using, and is it possible to get links of em?
I used MAME 32 plus plus like the links said.
I can’t get shadow dio even when beating the game with dio. I even tried the weird selecting thing. Is it Alessy, then D’Bo, then Chaca, then 3x Milder and then Dio x10?
1.Test Menu>Configuration>Game
2.Then press :u:,:d:,:r:,:l:, A, B, C, S.
Test menu = F2 in MAME.
How do you save so the game remembers you have the characters unlocked? My copy doesn’t even remember the high scores.
Also, the code doesn’t seem to be working for me…
Nevermind, I read kenmasterx’s post on page 7. God, I’m retarded.
Thank you. Dio is pretty fun, but I like shadow dio’s style.