The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

This is officially my favorite thread!!! If I knew JoJo BA: HFTF was this popular, I would have looked for this thread earlier…

Giorno should have been in this, Gold Experience would have been interesting to play as. Well, we should have at least gotten wheelchair Polnareff.

And while on the topic of JoJo Part 5, is Silver Chariot Requiem special used for anything in particular (regarding JoJo BA: HFTF). Maybe I’m not being creative, but I can’t see a good use for it.

If you’ve watched those BnB combo vids you might find some use for it if have enough stocks.

How do I do Shadow Dios guard cancel… I heard they were all dp+attack but I can’t get it to work, they seem kind of strict.

Also how does the shadow dio bnb work, in the video they do two sets of the cr.l, st.h, stand, before sweeping, I can’t get the second crouching light to connect. I always get a dash cr.l which i can’t seem to link into anything.

I wish Mariah could act after doing her air fireballs, or her air stand, that would have been cool.

There’s no secret to dashing into attacks, just 66~1+button. Try it in the corner first, its easier there.

All guard cancels are dp+button, and yea they are hard to do. On the other hand, they cost no meter, come out fast, can KO people, and do good damage. A lot of characters like Shadow Dio can hit a stand C after theirs hits, and Chaka can even get a full combo if he hits his on the ground. A prime example of Jojo’s being an extremely execution-based game; alpha counters are only balanced by the fact that they are hard to do.

Ah thanks Dandy J, thats what I figured just have to practice I guess.

Whats with 2 player not getting a combo meter? Is that part of the video emulation not being fully done? On both mine and my friends computers we don’t get a second player combo meter. Is there a version of mame out that fixes this?

Original game bug.
The game never uploads, nor attempts to display any tiles for the P2 side

Well it displays some tiles… like Good! when I do a combo and such. Thats odd though I swear I’ve seen the combo meter on both sides in mikado matches.

Totally, just checked some match videos out and the combo meter was showing up for both sides.

edit: Is the airplane level only on dc or ps, I’ve never seen it in the arcade.

PS I’d figure; it’s where Jotaro and co. went up against G. Fly and his Tower of G.

The bug was fixed in 990927(Ver. 2 !) this is the version they use.
This kid wasn’t dumped yet.

Challenge and Versus modes only.

ahhh okay. Hopefully we get a dump of that sometime soon that would be nice.

is there a way to get into VERSUS mode on the arcade version? is it a setting maybe?

Nah, it’s just the regular Versus mode that every arcade fighter has.

Oh okay.

I wish there was more discussion for this game. Does anyone know what dio’s full non-stand rush combo is? its the one with the muda muda in it… It looks something like cr.a, st.a qcf+a, jump over b then lots of crouching a into some finisher. Does that seem right?

Also does Dios teleport have no startup or cool down were you can hit him? that seems to be the case, its a really good move if so.

So I think I don’t get the notation for dio’s stand rush combo either…

is it cr.a, qcb+a (omg this is hard to do) dash up, a, a qcf+s, link cr.a into stand attack? or are you linking into stand a by doing sA? if that makes sense… frigging combo is hard.

First of all, the a into qcb+a has a different property than most specials in a fighting game that’s specific to Jojo’s stand attacks. The move is actually done completely separate from the main player sprite; think of it like an assist in mvc2 rather than a normal special. It’s just you don’t have a dedicated button for it, so you have to find ways to do the normal and the special at the same time. Try doing the motion like d,d/b~A~b+B. This is also how you combo d+A into qcb+A with Rubber Soul, and various other stuff.

As for the other part, I think you cancel into the program stand combo from the first stand attack (looks like a standing low kick). I’m not sure if that’s his qcf+S or just f+A+S, I’m not too familiar with the hard Dio stuff.

the standing low kick is actually his cr.a it just looks like he is still standing. And they normally do it as a link off of whatever the way they activate stand is. Thanks for the info on the qcb+a though that makes alot of sense why its sooo hard to combo.

I’m thinking that its gotta be f+a+s because it doesn’t seem like you can link off the qcf+s

Hmm maybe I spam this thread a bit too much

so when you are doing tandem attack (qcb+s) does it not matter whether you do c,b,a or a,b,c? does the chain all still work?? Seems weird… I wish there was a way to set autoteching in the arcade for my ghetto training mode.

nvm… it does matter completely, a1,a2,a3 is generally the right order to do things in. I still am having problems doing tandems and getting them to actually combo especially off of light attacks… I’ll keep messing around.

Oh and I’m slowly updating the wiki with characters I have played/mess around with.

Finally special not for tonight, abdul can link pretty easily of his dashing into all sorts of stuff… namely cr.a1 or st.a2(which combos to tandem and his command grab)

So a good combo could be, (make sure you get close as possible when dashing)
662.a2, 2.a1, 5.a2xx63214+a, 6+a1+s, a2, a3

I thought this waranted another post… (Note to MOD/Bacardi: if you think I should just keep editing my posts let me know, don’t want to infract any rules…)

I updated the dio wiki a bunch if someone wants to go look at it and let me know what you think that would be great. Hopefully I’ll add more later.

It’s looking good for now.
BTW, you should note that Dio’s j. b is a good poke/Anti-aerial/Runaway tool.

really? I know shadow dio’s is. I haven’t had much luck with his jumping B its angle seems bad : (

Question: How do you counter “the world” with another one? I seen in some video I thik 2 Dios, and one stopped time…then later the other one stopped time, and did the steamroller 0.0? How do you do this? Ya know what I’m just gonna find the vid 4 ya to show you.