The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Thread!

More new matches:

thanks, crappy quality though. Is it true that in the Ps2 veresion you can’t combo Tandems? Seems like it would make the game more playable.

^Umm the game was never released to the PS2, I take it you mean the PSX ver.?

Awesome stuff. Look at what Khan’s dp does about 2 minutes into the Hol Horse & Boingo vs. Khan match, that thing’s crazy.

yo yo yo check this vid out got some good stuff you can do in a real match


Still playing, even recruited a few more players in my area!

Jotaro, get’em!!!

Yeah, one of those players is me. :bgrin:

Anyways, I could use some help. Can anyone tell me what the tandem combo that Chaka keeps doing in this vid is? I can’t seem to figure it out.

umm the basic one thats first is like

activate stand Jump 3, 1,2, tandem, (attack I don’t know, looks far 2, might be 3), Rekka, rekka, link jabs continue until end and then finish with combo into full rekkas…

the rest are all variations on that.

what were the tournament rules for this game??

I think they were default time, damage, speed and petshop is banned correct??

Last time I checked:

JoJo BA rev. 2, 3 Rounds, default time, damage, speed and petshop is banned.

Cool, thanks for the help.

thanks, appreciate it.

Anyone have any anubis polnareff combos?

His full bnb is st.A, st.A, cr.B xx qcf+A~qcf+A~qcf+D then either dash C (if they don’t have a stand active) or dash~jump C.

You can do a dash cr.C, then link cr.A xx qcf+A etc. as above

You can also substitute a st.B after st.A if you crouch cancel (tap down in between the hits).

In the corner after the qcf+A~qcf+A~qcf+D chain, you can do j.C, st.A, st.A (cc), st.B xx dp+C. or his qcf super (which is a waste of meter really). If you time it right you can even continue with another qcf+A series for an infinite, but it’s very difficult.

On some characters, you can hit with qcf+A~qcf+A, then link a cr.A into qcf+A again.

this game is quite interesting.

You just helped me out a lot. After watching the vid of his combos I tried for a long time to get a st.B after a st.A but could not pull it off no matter what. I thought I was just missing the link, lol. Thanks a ton for that info.

hey all jojoba fans the game is playable online if anybody wanna fight pm me the game is fun:rock:

lol same here still out here lookin for more jjba players

well depending on how close you are you can play me…I guess.

well pm me when u wanna play