The inevitable tier thread

All this talk about Gouki, and Ken…but what about my boy Ryu? Considering since, I’m out of state with business work so I haven’t been able to play any ST:HD Remix at all yet!!! :mad:. Where does the original Shoto (Ryu) stand here within HD Remix…I’d assumed he’d still be at least Upper-Tier if not better due to the mere fact that he has not been changed at all, and is only made better with the Fake Hadouken.

Anyone’s thoughts on this?

Just curiously, have you BEEN in the fgc for any of the last 10 years? figuring shit out on your own is pre-cellphone.

Ryu sucks now.

Well of course I was joking. Seriously I think it’s way too early to call anything. I just think Blanka has a lot of potential even if you only gets moved up to upper mid status. I used to think the Dhalsim matchup was way uphill too. Especially after playing against Gian’s at Evo and Arturo’s at random tourneys. I talked with Arturo though and he said that all it takes is one right jump in to fuck everything up for Blanka. You kinda have to be random about it since Dhalsim is trying to get you into jumping at a certain time and then just knocking you away again. Once you get in he should have all kinds of shenanigans for beating Dhal.

I’m still interested in how much better his matchup vs. Boxer will be. Can Boxer still punish any of his balls and if so I would imagine it’s generally harder than it was in vanilla ST. Beating rush punches will probably still be tough but I can see this match as being a bit less tough.

:rofl::rofl::rofl:…no serious.

Ryu received no nerfs and one very nice buff.

I doubt he will be lower then high tier.

Also how come in every fighting game that has Ryu in it you always ask other people how Ryu looks? How come you don’t just look at some vids and look at his tool and match-ups compared to the rest of the cast and come to your own conclusion like other people?

I know you haven’t played the game yet, but just by looking at everyones nerfs and buffs you could come to a conclusion of your own.

For me the two top tiers will be honda and sagat, then the rest.

YES, nod nod nod, the RH FK is good but the guessing game is the real deal.

Wow, everyone is saying that. Guess I have yet to fight a good Blanka, I’ve had little trouble dispatching him (playing Cammy, Chun, and Honda).

I’m betting Blanka is pretty damn good now, but yeah, none of his tools helped worth shit against Chun, and probably not much against Honda. No idea about Blanka v Cammy though.

Those three matchups suck for Blanka. Chun has a fireball and a mean ground game with those lightning kicks. Honda is a little easier to fight against now, but stored ochio and his headbutts can make him rather troublesome. Cammy…god, I hate Cammy. :sad: Cannon Drill beats Blanka ball every time. You have to play a little differently against her.

Honda is a lot better now but on the same level as sagat? not saying you’re flat out wrong but a jab nullifying headbutt doesn’t automatically skyrocket honda’s viability.

3 counter match-ups might keep Blanka out of top tier. If so I think he will be number one in high tier.

Remind me to hunt you down. :wink:

XBL tag: Real Decoy

Out of those 3, I think only Honda still holds an edge for now. Chun is an easier fight and Cammy is good but Blanka smacks her. Word.


I think Ryu’s new buff will put him up there at high, not top. It really adds to his mindgames, and he’s not exactly bad anyway.

I thought Akuma would blow when I first played this game at release, but upon using him he’s pretty sweet. On accounts that I both suck and will use Akuma as a character, I will probably get zero respect in this game, but w/e.

Blanka isn’t feeling all that much stronger than before, but I think T.Hawk is WAY better. Almost completely the opposite of what he used to be.

Guile is beautiful up close now. So much mixing up to be had.

Fei Long is still garbage. Maybe even WORSE than before, imo.

Ryu…now that I think about it…He received nothing to help his match-ups really. While pretty much everyone else did. I think this might hurt him. No…it WILL hurt him and a mindgame tool will help him out since it forces other character’s to commit if they react to his motion, but it’s not a super solid tool to fall back on. You have to set-up for it.

I think this will mean Ryu drops a few places. I don’t think he will leave high tier, but bottom of high tier seems likely.

That’s something I didn’t really weigh up…The fact EVERYONE else is buff. I think we may find Ryu back where he was before at best, now I think about it. :confused:

Remember that tools affects match-ups affects tiers.

It’s all connected.

This does not bode well for Ryu.

That’s a mindgame. Not to be abused which is what I just said.

It’s not the same as Blanka’s horizontal ball being safer which helps him in ALL in his match-ups.

We still can’t rank HDR this early, but I think Sagat would jump to the top 5 if not even top 3 he is pretty solid now not because of his tiger knee but the new recovery on his fireballs are too good the lockdown is back maybe not as good as O.Sagat but that Sagat didn’t have a magic crossup or juggling knee.

Zangief is a little bit better but I still consider him mid. T.Hawk on the other hand is another story he is solid, he has some of the best ground and jumping normals in the game now add to that the new dive and invincible juggling rising hawk we should change his name to T.The Destroyer ! definite high-tier now.

Chun Li didn’t change much the new SBK is just for show old SBK was more useful IMO.

Boxer can still punish his horizontal ball, at least on block. He can get hit back with low rushing punch very easily. Boxer is such a pain in the ass to deal with for Blanka. :sad:

I’ve had some success with using Blanka’s various pokes against boxer, and using Electricity on occasion to stop rush punches. A good Boxer can space them properly though and hit you out of it.

I think a defensive Boxer is a much harder fight for Blanka than a rushdown Boxer. Rushdown boxer can be countered somewhat…but against a Boxer who is playing straight D, it’s very tough to get in and even try anything. I’m going to try to see if I can hop over his low rush punch sometime. If it works, well, that’ll help that match up. Hop over low rush punch into a bite would be awesome.